Books in this section may also appear in other sections. Tournaments are listed first, then alphabetical by author. Check Magazine & Opening Sections separately for additions. RETURN TO HOME PAGE Tony Peterson, 15 Harbour View Park, Rope Walk, Littlehampton, West Sussex, BN17 5DQ, UK. Tel: 01903 730371. email: tony@chessbooks.co.uk £0.006067. ----: An Easy Introduction to the Game of Chess; containing 100 Examples of Games...Philidor's Analysis...Selections from Stamma, the Calabrois &c...Caissa: A Poem, by Sir William Jones; The Morals of Chess by Dr.Franklin.
Printed for Baldwin, Cradock & Joy... 1820. New Edition, carefully Revised. Original blue boards, backed with grey paper, worn at head and foot of spine with about 3cm paper loss at foot, page edges are uncut so page margins are a good size. Contents in very good condition. pp (viii), 254. Without the engraved plate as often found. Whyld & Ravilious, Chess Texts 1820:5. LN 613. £70.003506. 1871 CLEVELAND 1874 CHICAGO 1876 PHILADELPHIA: The Second, Third & Fourth American Chess Congresses. (1872-76.) Reprint of original editions.
Edition Olms Band 65. Zurich 1985. Three works in one volume. VG,d/w. 112,103,199pp. 163 games in all. Capt.G.H.Mackenzie won the first two events, James Mason the third. £25.006085. 1908 LASKER - TARRASCH. L.Hoffer: The Championship Match.
E.Mitchell & F.Hollings, 1908. FACSIMILE COPY. n.d. p/b, with comb binding, VG. Frontispiece, 42pp. 16 annotated games. Lasker won 10.5-5.5. Some of the diagrams have copied quite badly. £8.002286. 1908 VIENNA. G.Marco: Internationales Schachturnier Wien 1908.
Wien, 1908. 1st Edn. Contemporary purple cloth, spine faded otherwise good. pp xi,171, 190 games, only a few with brief notes. 1-3 Duras, Maroczy, Schlecter. LN 5290. £50.002767. 1912 BRESLAU. P.Schellenberg: XVIII Kongress des Deutschen Schachbundes, e.V.
Coburg, 1913. 1st Edn. Contemporary brown cloth and boards, old partial label on front cover, a good copy. 2 group portraits of the players, vii,202. 153 games, mostly annotated, others from lower groups. 1-2 Duras, Rubinstein 3 Teichmann 4-5 Tarrasch, Schlecter. A nice book of a strong tournament. LN 5310. £85.004916. 1922 LONDON. G.Maroczy + 1921 LASKER - CAPABLANCA: London 1922. Foreword Andy Soltis. + 1921 Capablanca - Lasker Match by Capablanca.
Russell Ent. 2010. p/b. Fine. 128pp., photos, 120 games with notes by Geza Maroczy. 1.Capablanca 2.Alekhine 3.Vidmar. Capablanca won match 9-5, games annotated by him. (A.) £14.001758. 1923 MAHRISCH-OSTRAU. B.Kagan: Internationales Schachmeister-Turnier.
BCM Classic Reprint No.19 (1978.) Hardback, VG. 108pp. 91 games, most with brief notes by Teichmann and Bardeleben, 1 plate of the players. 1 Lasker 2 Reti 3 Grunfeld. £14.001741. 1925 BRESLAU. A.Kramer: Der 24. Kongress des Deutschen Schachbundes in Breslau 1925.
B.Kagan, Berlin 1925. 1st Edn. Original brown cloth. VG. 3 photos, 188pp. 130 annotated games. 1.Bogoljubow 2.Nimzowitsch 3-4 Wagner, Rubinstein. LN 5379. £65.00530. 1925 MOSCOW. Bogoljubow (E.): Das Internationale Schachturnier Moskau 1925.
De Gruyter, Berlin & Leipzig, 1927. 1st Edn. Original cream cloth, a crease on first few pages otherwise very good. Frontispiece, pp xii, 222, (1). 210 games. Bogoljubow's greatest victory in a 21 player field ahead of Lasker, Capablanca & Marshall. LN 5385. A fine tournament book. £50.005298. 1926 TOURNAMENTS. Edited by A.J.Gillam.: Tournaments of 1926.
.Rare and Unpublished Tournament book series No.117. Chess Player 2017. Stapled booklet with plastic jacket. 64 pages; summary of the tournament books of 1926 and the unpublished tournaments of that year; approx. 86 games, many with notes; approximately 47 diagrams. Comprises: Amsterdam (February): 4 of the 5 games; New York (Dimock): (2 sections; Evans' Gambit and Sicilian Wing Gambit) 8 of the 12 games and 14 of the 42 games; Utrecht (7th Netherlands Championship) all 66 games; Trencianske Teplice: 30 of the 45 games; Chicago v London (cable match): all 6 games; Munich: 9 of the 15 games. £12.005288. 1927 TOURNAMENTS. Edited by A.J.Gillam.: Tournaments of 1927.
Rare and Unpublished Tournament book series No.113. Chess Player 2017. Stapled booklet, with plastic jacket. Contains: Amsterdam 1926/27; New York 1926/27; Amsterdam 1927; Warsaw 1927; Utrecht 1927; Nijmegen 1927; The Hague 1927; Mittweida 1927; The Hague/Rotterdam 1927; ‘s-Hertogenbosch 1927. 52 pages; summary of the tournament books of 1927 and the unpublished tournaments of that year; approx. 108 games, many with notes; 35 diagrams; NOTE: I regret p.47 is missing - 's-Hertogenbosch 1927. £7.001557. 1928 BERLIN.: Internationales Grossmeisterturnier des Berliner Tageblatts.
Lachaga, Argentina 1970. p/b. G. 50pp. 45 games annotated by Tartakower, Kmoch and others. 1.Capablanca 2.Nimzowitsch 3.Spielmann. Limited to 260 copies. £14.005059. 1929 TOURNAMENTS. Edited by A.J.Gillam: Tournaments of 1929: Ghent; Maastricht; New York; London; Amsterdam; Odessa,; Antwerp/Brussels.
Rare and Unpublished Tournament book series No.105. Chess Player 2015. Stapled booklet with plastic cover. 58 pages; approx. 150 games and positions, many with notes; 59 diagrams; a round-up of some of the strongest unpublished events of the year (2 Belgian championships; a Dutch championship; 6th USSR Championship; Sultan Khan’s first European tournament, etc.) with all known games and some background. £12.006075. 1931 NEW YORK. L.E.Gaba & R.A.Cela: Nueva York 1931.
Ricardo Aguilera, Madrid 1976. 1st Edn. p/b, G. 239pp., 66 games with Spanish notation, brief annotations. Includes playing records for Kashdan, Horowitz, Herman Steiner, and Santasiere. 1 Capablanca 2 Kashdan 3 Kevitz. A scarce book. £20.006086. 1931 TOURNAMENTS. Edited by A.J.Gillam: Tournaments of 1931.
Rare and Unpublished Tournament book series No.102. Chess Player 2014. Stapled booklet with plastic sleeve. Contains: Goteborg 1931 (16 of the 28 games; all the known games) + 7 pages of programme, menu and report; Amsterdam 1931 (2 groups; all 12 games); Berlin 1931 (all 15 games); Rotterdam 1931 (August; all 15 games); Rotterdam 1931 (December; all 12 games). Many of the games with notes. Rubinstein, Tartakower, Flohr, Colle, Landau, Stahlberg, Stoltz, Lundin, Noteboom, Herman Steiner, Lajos Steiner and others. 58 pages; 4 photos; 35 diagrams. £12.001110. 1935 MOSCOW. A.Becker: 2.Internationales Schachmeisterturnier Moskau 1935.
Lachaga (1970.) p/b, spine yellowed, G. 112pp. 190 games, with notes, German notation. 1-2 Botvinnik, Flohr 3.Lasker 4.Capablanca. Limited to 350 copies. £14.001616. 1937-38 HASTINGS: Internationales Schachmeisterturnier.
Lachaga, Argentina 1975. p/b. VG. 50pp. 45 games with notes by Alexander, Keres, Spielmann &c. 1.Reshevsky 2-3 Alexander, Keres. Limited to 325 copies. £12.002894. 1939 BAD OEYNHAUSEN.: Meisterschaft von Deutschland.
Lachaga, Argentina 1972. p/b. G. 64pp. 120 games, some annotated by Becker, Eliskases and others. 1.Eliskases 2 Lokvenc 3 Gilg. Limited to 390 copies. £14.003045. 1943 PRAGUE: Internationales Schachmeisterturnier.
Lachaga, Argentina (1974.) p/b. VG. 82pp. 198 games, some annotated. German notation.1 Alekhine (17/19pts!) 2 Keres 3 Katetov. Limited to 320 copies. £14.00595. 1949 VENICE. Muller (H.) & G.Turcato: III Torneo Internazionale di Scacchi Venezia 1949.
Fantoni, Venezia (1950.) 1st Edn. Original cloth-backed boards, VG. 215pp. 120 games, photos. Limited to 1000 copies. LN 5786. 1.Szabo 2.Rossolimo. £35.00596. 1950 AMSTERDAM. Euwe (M.) & L.Prins: Wereldschaaktoernooi.
Lochem 1951. 1st Edn. Original brown cloth, VG. 280pp., 4 plates, 190 games, most annotated. A well produced tournament book. 1.Najdorf (15/19 unbeaten) 2.Reshevsky 3.Stahlberg. LN 5791. £28.005737. 1951 BOTVINNIK-BRONSTEIN. Mikhail Botvinnik: Match for the World Chess Championship Mikhail Botvinnik - David Bronstein Moscow 1951. Compiled and Edited by Igor Botvinnik. Translated by Ken Neat.
Edition Olms, 2004. p/b. VG. 124pp., 24 annotated games. Result 5-5 plus 14 draws, Botvinnik retaining his title. Includes notes from Botvinnik's "red notebook" where he assesses Bronstein's play in prior tournaments. (A.) £14.003345. 1951 NEW YORK. M.Euwe: Tournooiboek van het Werthheim Memorial International Tournament.
Schaakhuis, Hilversum (1951). 1st Edn. Original blue cloth, slightly stained on front otherwise good. 64pp. 66 games, some annotated, opening theory. 1 Reshevsky 2-3 Euwe, Najdorf. Not in LN 1955 catalogue. A presentation inscription to Peter H. Clarke (from H.A.Viets??) £20.001258. 1957 MOSCOW. P.H.Clarke: 24th USSR Chess Championship.
BCM Quarterly No.1 (1957). p/b, G. 120pp. 231 games, some annotated. 1.Tal 2-3 Bronstein, Keres. 22 players, 21 rounds over 1 month! (A.) £20.006062. 1959 BLED-ZAGREB-BELGRADE. Golombek (Harry): 4th Candidates Tournament Sept-Oct.1959. Edited by David Regis.
Hardinge Simpole 2009. A reprint of the 1960 book with many more diagrams. p/b, VG. 291pp. 112 annotated games, summary of each round. 28 rounds in all! 1.Tal 2.Keres 3.Petrosian. (A.) £15.002887. 1960 MOSCOW: Internationales Schachmeisterturnier.
Lachaga, Argentina 1975. p/b. G. 42pp. 66 games. Limited to 325 copies. 1-2 Kholmov, Smyslov 3 Korchnoi. £12.00556. 1964 BUENOS AIRES: Internationales Schachmeisterturnier. Anmerkungen der Becker, Eliskases...Keres &c.
Lachaga, Argentina 1970. p/b, spine backed with tape, G. 90pp. 153 games, some annotated. 1-2 Keres, Petrosian 3.R.Byrne. Limited to 280 copies. £14.004498. 1965 HAVANA: IVth Capablanca in Memoriam. La Habana Cuba 1965.
Bulletins. 1965. Card covers, bound with metal clasp, good. c.180pp., photos, results and statistics, 231 games in Spanish notation. 21 rounds. 1 Smyslov 2-4 Ivkov, Geller, Fischer. £24.00667. 1966 SANTA MONICA. Kashdan (I.) Ed: Second Piatigorsky Cup.
Dover 1977. Reprint of 1968 work. p/b, G. 228pp. 90 games annotated by the players. 1.Spassky 2.Fischer 3.Larsen. £10.006078. 1967 MAR DEL PLATA. M.A.Lachaga: Primer Torneo Argentino Abierto de Ajedrez. Mar del Plata 1967.
Federacion Argentina de Ajedrez, Buenos Aires 1968. p/b, G. 44pp., 126 games with Spanish notation. 1 Najdorf 9/9 2 Brond 3 De la Vega. Limited to 220 copies. £14.006094. 1967 MARIBOR: International Chess Tournament. Maribor 1967.
The Chess Player No.58 (1967). p/b, covers slightly marked, some pen marks in margins otherwise good. 26pp., 120 games with German notation. 1 Unzicker 2 Reshevsky 3-5 Matanovic, Ivkov, Zinn. £8.0099. 1971-80 LONE PINE. Grefe (J.) & D.Waterman.: The Best of Lone Pine. The Louis D.Statham Chess Tournaments 1971-1980.
RHM Press, NY 1981. p/b, wear to covers, several pages loose. 235pp., photos, results of all the tournaments, selection of annotated games. (A.) £9.006096. 1972 SKOPJE: XX Chess Olympiad.
Skopje 1972. Set of 14 bulletins. Bound in large thick maroon hardcovers, Fine condition. Photos, all results and games in German notation. Text is also in French. £40.0083. 1972 SKOPJE. Keene (R.) & D.Levy.: Chess Olympiad Skopje 1972.
Batsford 1973. 1st Edn. VG,d/w (jacket spine lettering slightly faded). 240pp., photos, full results, selection of 144 annotated top group games. 1 USSR 2 Hungary 3 Yugoslavia. (England won the B group.) £15.001548. 1974- THE POTTER MEMORIAL. K.Messere: International Postal Chess Tournament.
Chess SC (1978) p/b. VG. 110pp., photos, biographies. 78 games, some annotated. (A.) 1.Hollis 2.Kauranen. With an amusing bookplate of Sheila Jackson, several times British Women's Champion. £8.00488. 1981 KARPOV-KORCHNOI. Keene (R.): Karpov-Korchnoi. Massacre in Merano.
Hardinge Simpole 2004. Reprint of 1981 edition. p/b. VG. 122pp., 18 annotated games, results of previous World Championship matches, chapters on Karpov, Korchnoi and Keene's Answer to Korchnoi's Anti-Chess book. (A.) Karpov won 11-7. £8.006076. 1981 SOUTH BEND, INDIANA. Larry Christiansen: 1981 U.S. Chess Championship.
Chess Enterprises, USA, 1982. p/b, G. 126pp., photos, 107 games, some annotated. 1-2 Browne, Seirawan. £10.003999. 1983 BATH. H.Pfleger & E.Kurz: Turnier der Schachgrossmeister'83. Mastergame Bath.
Falken Verlag, 1983. p/b. VG. 176pp., photos, annotated games with thoughts of the players, biographies. This was an Anglo-German television tournament, however it was not recorded for the BBC owing to an industrial dispute. Two groups of four, with Miles beating Karpov 1-0 in the Final. £12.00569. 1983 KASPAROV - KORCHNOI. Keene (R.) & D.Lawson: Kasparov-Korchnoi. The London Contest.
Batsford 1983. p/b, paper rather yellow o/w VG. 96pp. Includes sections of the political background and the chess background, previous encounters, the 1982-84 World Championship cycle, the 11 match games annoted, with clock times. (A.) Kasparov won 7-4. £7.002993. 1985 NEW YORK. T.Taylor: Manhattan International.
Chess Enterprises, US 1986. p/b. VG. 105pp. 45 annotated games. 1 Lobron 2-3 Dlugy, Lau. (A.) £9.00104. 1992 FISCHER-SPASSKY Rematch. Davies, Pein & Levitt: Bobby Fischer: The $5,000,000 Comeback.
Cadogan 1992. p/b, VG. 131pp. Fischer won 17.5-12.5. (A.) £9.003334. 1994 MONTE CARLO. G.den Broeder (Editor): "Third Amber" Rapid and Blindfold Chess Tournament.
Magnana Mu Pub., Rotterdam 1994. VG. 230pp, illus, 132 annotated games. Combined result: 1 Anand 2 Kramnik 3 Ivanchuk. (A.) A well-produced tournament book. £14.00169. ALEKHINE (A.): My Best Games of Chess 1924-1937.
Bell 1945. Reprint. VG, d/w (the jacket is a wartime one where due to paper shortage it was printed on paper with French text on it!). Portrait, 285pp. 120 annotated games. £12.00167. ALEKHINE. Reinfeld (F.): The Unknown Alekhine 1905-1914.
Pitman 1949. 1st Edn. Spine yellowed as often found otherwise good. 278pp. 102 annotated games. £12.006090. Alexander (C.H.O'D.): Chess.
Pitman 1946. 2nd Edn., Blue cloth, spine sunned o/w G. 190pp.,several photos. A general work including 11 annotated games. £6.00291. ALEXANDER. Golombek (H.) & W.Hartston.: The Best Games of C.H.O'D.Alexander. With a Memoir by Sir Stuart Milner-Barry.
OUP 1976. 1st Edn. Oblong hardback, VG,d/w. 4 excellent photos, 167pp printed on green paper. 70 annotated games. A nice book and quite scarce. £24.00206. ANAND. Norwood (D.): Vishy Anand: Chess Super-Talent.
Batsford, 1995. 1st. p/b, VG. 144pp. Biography and 35 games. (A.) £7.00754. Bird (H.E.): Chess Novelties and their Latest Developments, with Comparisons of the Progress of Chess Openings of the Past Century and the Present not dealt with in Existing Works.
F.Warne, 1895. 1st Edn. Original purple decorative cloth, gilt, a good copy. pp xli, 304. LN 1855. This title was issued in a number of different colour cloth covers. Includes many games arranged by openings. £60.0031. Bird (H.E.): The Chess Openings, considered Critically and Practically.
Dean & Son, n.d.(1878.) 1st Edn. Original brown cloth, gilt lettering and chessboard on front cover, covers stained otherwise good. Folding plate, pp xvi, 248. Includes many illustrative games and list of subscribers for America, Canada and England. This book was issued in a number of different colour cloth covers. (I can send photos on request.) £50.001408. BLACKBURNE (J.H.) Graham (P.A.): Mr.Blackburne's Games at Chess Selected, Annotated and Arranged by Himself. Edited, with a Biographical Sketch and a Brief History of Blindfold Chess by P.A.Graham.
Longmans, Green 1899. 1st Edn. Large octavo, original cloth, small split to top of spine otherwise a very good copy. Portrait, pp ix, 331. 407 games with brief notes, 28 problems, index of games. £75.00969. Bouwmeester (H.): Modern End-Game Studies for the Chessplayer. Trans & Ed: H.Golombek.
Bell 1959. 1st English Edn. Back cover slightly bowed otherwise VG.128pp. 101 studies (25 more than the Dutch edn.) £9.00693. Capablanca (J.R.): A Primer of Chess.
Bell 1935. 1st UK Edn. Covers a bit spotted, with scarce jacket in good condition apart from some paper loss to head and foot of spine. 281pp. A systematic guide for the novice to become an accomplished player, plus 11 of his best games. £25.006081. Capablanca (J.R.): Chess Fundamentals.
Harcourt Brace, NY 1921. 1st US Edn. Original black cloth, rounded outer corners, good. 246pp. Occasional pencil marks in margins. A classic work reprinted numerous times throughout the 20th century. Once described by Botvinnik in a 1984 interview as the best chess book ever! (See Dunne, Great Chess Books p.26). £18.005744. CAPABLANCA. E.Winter: Capablanca. A Compendium of Games, Notes, Articles, Correspondence, Illustrations and Other Rare Archival Materials on the Cuban Genius José Raúl Capablanca, 1888-1942.
McFarland, US 1989. 1st Edition. Hardback, black cloth, Fine. 349pp., plates showing 26 rare photos. Definitive compilation of archival materials. This hardback edition is quite scarce now. (A.) £40.002058. Chernev & Reinfeld: Winning Chess. How to Perfect Your Attacking Play.
Faber, 1975. Reprint. p/b, spine and back cover yellowed o/w G. 231pp. 664 positions arranged by tactical themes. £7.001291. Christmas Series No.32. Weenink (H.): The Chess Problem. Edited by G.Hume & A.C.White.
Stroud 1926. Large 8vo, red cloth, spine colour faded otherwise good. 316,(1)pp. A classic work including the historical development of the chess problem, birds-eye view of problems themes, full index of composers with Birth-year Register, 30 rare photographs, 374 problems. Without Merry Christmas slip. Christmas Series No.32. £75.004196. DONNER (J.H.): The King. Chess Pieces. Collected and Introduced by Tim Krabbe and Max Pam.
New In Chess, 2008. 2nd unabridged English Edition. p/b. VG. 391pp., photos, some annotated games and positions, a huge anthology of articles and short pieces that Donner had written about chess since 1950, in his witty and unpredictable style, full of insults and ironies. Among his favourite subjects are Fischer, the blunder, luck, why women can't play chess, madness etc. (A.) £18.001502. Du Mont (J.): Chess Openings Illustrated. I. Centre Counter. WITH: II. The Centre Game and Danish Gambit.
Bell, 1919-20. 2 volumes. 1st Edns. Original pictorial cloth, wear to spines, pencil notes or marks to pages, previous owner inscriptions to endpapers, otherwise good. 75 + 80pp. 31 + 42 illustrative games. LN 1935. Volume 2 is quite scarce. £16.002170. Emery (A.): Chess Sacrifices and Traps.
Frank Hollings, 1937. 5th Edn., Revised & Enlarged. Rebound in plain hard covers, good. 110pp. Includes 33 games and positions, most from 1922/23. £8.006092. Euwe (M.) & H.Kramer: The Middle Game. Book 1 Static Features. Book 2 Dynamic & Subjective Features.
Bell 1971-73. Reprints. 2 volumes, VG, with red jackets. 293 & 346pp. 481 examples, mostly complete games, and section on the personal style of 38 players. £25.003512. Evans (L.), J.Silman & Betty Roberts: How to Get Better at Chess: Chess Masters on their Art.
Summit Publ, US 1991. 1st Edn. p/b, G. 254pp., photos, over 100 annotated games of leading players from the 1970's and 80's, with profiles of some 50 players and their answers to various questions - how to get better, study or practice, which books or players had an influence on them, is memory important etc., plus many anecdotes. A very useful and original work. (A.) £15.006083. FINE (R.): A Passion for Chess. Lessons from My Games.
Dover, NY 1983. Reprint of 1958 book. p/b, VG. 225pp. 50 annotated games, with anecdotes and comments on the players he met. Two pages with small edge tears. £10.002363. Fine (R.): Chess Marches On!
Pitman, 1946. 2nd printing. VG, d/w (jacket torn with some loss at edges, with protective clear cover). 221pp. 50 annotated games from 1941-44 each with introductory essay. £15.002850. Fine (R.): The World's a Chessboard.
McKay, US 1948. 1st Edn. VG, with an attractive jacket. 323pp. 50 annotated games from the 1940's, each with an introduction with anecdotes and inside accounts. £20.003902. FINE. A.Woodger: Reuben Fine. A Comprehensive Record of an American Chess Career, 1929-1951.
McFarland, US 2018. Reprint. Large p/b. F. 392pp., photos, brief biography, career history and playing record, 882 games, many annotated. (A.) £30.00105. FISCHER. Burger (R.E.): The Chess of Bobby Fischer.
Chilton, USA 1975.. 1st Edn. Hardback, VG, d/w (some edge wear). 339pp. Numerous annotated games and part-games which illustrate Fischer's winning methods. £16.004546. FISCHER. F.Brady: Endgame. Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall - From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness.
Crown, NY 2011. 1st Edn. Fine,d/w. Photos, 402pp. (No games.) The definitive biography. Includes an Epilogue and lenghty section of Notes and sources. £20.005808. FISCHER. Jan Timman: The Unstoppable American. Bobby Fischer's Road to Reykjavik. His Sensational Run to the 1972 World Chess Championship Match.
New in Chess, 2021. p/b, VG. 254pp., photos, 63 annotated games. Timman chronicles the full story of Fischer's sensational run during 1970-71 and takes a fresh look at the games. Annotated in Timman's lucid style with a mix of colourful background information and sharp, crystal-clear explanations. (A.) £20.00695. Horowitz (I.A.): Solitaire Chess.
Galahad Books, NY (1962.) VG,d/w. 128pp. 62 games in which you choose your move along the lines of "How Good is Your Chess" with points awarded each move. £9.005394. HORT (V.) T.Karolyi: Legendary Chess Careers: Vlastimil Hort.
Chess Evolution, Poland 2016. 1st Edn. p/b. VG. 125pp., photos, good selection of annotated games, interspersed with a lengthy interview with Hort. (A.) £14.003561. Karpov (A.): The Semi-Closed Openings in Action.
Batsford 1989. 1st Edn. p/b, spine faded, paper rather yellowed o/w VG. 134pp. (A.) Grunfeld, Kings-Indian, Queen's Indian, Nimzo-Indian. Includes many complete annotated games, mainly from 1984-88. £7.00463. Karpov (A.): The Semi-Open Game in Action.
Batsford 1990. Reprint. p/b. VG. 126pp. (A.) Sicilian, French, Caro-Kann & Pirc. Includes many complete annotated games, mainly from 1984-87. £7.006082. Karpov (Anatoly) & Anatoly Matsukevich: Find the Right Plan with Anatoly Karpov. Translated by Sarah Hurst.
Batsford 2008. 1st UK Edn. p/b, VG. 256pp., many games and positions. "Aimed at ordinary club players, Karpov gives a wealth of tips on how to his style of play into your own repertoire, through rigorous planning and evaluation of positions." (A.) £18.004297. Keats (V.): Vol.2 Chess: Its Origin. A Translation with Commentary of the Latin & Hebrew in Thomas Hyde's De Ludis Orientalibus (Oxford, 1694).
Oxford, 1994. Folio (8.5 x 12in., 215 x 300mm) hardbound blue cloth, two corners slightly bumped o/w VG. 337pp., illustrations. The first English translation of most of the chess section of Hyde's work, which was the first book to give a serious account of the origins of chess and other board games. A scarce book. £60.005249. Kongsted (C.): Beat the Grandmasters. Can You Rise to the Challenge?
Gambit, 2005. p/b. Fine. 176pp., 351 positions, mainly from recent events, with full solutions, and a self-rating system to assess your progress. (A.) £9.006093. LARSEN (B.): Larsen's Selected Games of Chess 1948-69.
Bell 1976. Reprint. p/b, VG. 181pp. 50 annotated games. £18.001720. Levy (David) & Stewart Reuben: The Chess Scene.
Faber 1974. 1st Edn. VG, d/w. 276pp. Includes history, chess champions, psychology, bribery, types of players, ratings, administration, Bobby Fischer, Boris Spassky, their match etc. (No games.) £10.004887. LUNDIN. Jonasson, S. and L.Holmstrand- Editors: Erik Lundin spelar upp sina schackminnen 1924-1979.
Skara: Sveriges Schackforbund, 1979. 1st Edn. p/b. VG. 178pp., photos, biography and 126 annotated games of strong Swedish GM. Signed by Lundin, Jan.1980. £40.002398. Macdonnell (G.A.): The Knights and Kings of Chess. With Portrait by Arthur Hacker, and Seventeen Illustrations.
Horace Cox, London 1894. 1st Edn. Original green cloth, gilt lettering, a very good copy. Frontispiece, pp xii, 206. LN 2982. A follow-up work to the author's "Chess-Life Pictures", including anecdotes of Blackburne, Zukertort, Steinitz, Bird, Mason, Paulsen, Kolisch, Gunsberg, Falkbeer, and on numerous other subjects and personalities. With inscription on endpaper "To The Rt. Hon The Lord Mayor with the Author's Respectful Compliments." £180.005209. MENCHIK (Vera) R.B.Tanner: Vera Menchik. A Biography of the First Women's World Chess Champion, with 350 Games.
McFarland, US 2016. Hardback (18 x 26cm), VG. 316pp., illustrations, 354 games, some annotated, crosstables, biography, her writings, appendices, notes, bibliography and indices. (A.) £40.004725. Miles (J.A.): Poems and Chess Problems.
The Author, Fakenham, Norfolk 1882. 1st Edn. Original red cloth, spine slightly faded, a good copy. Frontispiece diagram, pp (iv),116, including 50 problems, selection of poems (only a few on chess), list of subscribers, errarta. LN 2465. £100.00914. Montigny (A.): Stratagems of Chess, or a Collection of Critical and Remarkable Situations, Selected from the Works of Eminent Masters, Illustrated on Plates.
T.& J.Allman, London 1818. 4th English Edn. Small 8vo (10 x 16.5cm), contemporary half leather, rubbed, some small leather loss, and part loss of title-label, still a tight copy and pages in good condition. Engraved frontispiece of a chess diagram (with marginal stains), pp 229. Includes120 engraved diagrams of endgame studies. LN 2158. £80.001360. MORPHY. Lawson (David): Paul Morphy. The Pride and Sorrow of Chess.
McKay, New York 1976. 1st Edn. Large thick hardback, VG (no d/w.) 424pp., many illustrations, 60 games. The definitive biography of Morphy, with much on his later life, copies of letters and documents etc. An impressive book, scarce and sought-after. £45.004990. MORPHY. Lawson (David): Paul Morphy: La Gloire et la Tristesse des Echecs. Translated from the American Edition by David-Andre Gills.
Privately published 2013. p/b, Fine. 418pp., many illustrations, 60 games. The definitive biography of Morphy, with much on his later life, copies of letters and documents etc. Note the print is rather small. A translation of the definitive biography of Morphy: "Pride and Sorrow of Chess", published in 1976. Edition Limited to 100 numbered and signed copies. £30.006077. MORPHY. M.Shibut: Paul Morphy and the Evolution of Chess Theory.
Dover 2004. Reprint of the 1993 hardback. p/b, VG. 359pp., various essays on Morphy's style, his contemporaries, photos, 465 games, a good number annotated, sections on Morphy's openings and endgames. Includes an errata specially prepared for this edition. The most complete collection of Morphy's games. (A.) £16.003707. Pachman (L.): Complete Chess Strategy. 2.Pawn-Play and the Centre. Translated by J.Littlewood.
Batsford 1976. 1st Edn. p/b, G. 184pp. Includes nearly 93 illustrative games. Vol.2 of Pachman's great trilogy. £10.006091. Pachman (Ludek): The Middle Game in Chess. Translated by John Littlewood.
Routledge & Kegan Paul. 1982. 1st UK Edn. p/b, G. 188pp. Includes typical mating combinations, elements of chess tactics, attack and defence, making plans. (A.) £7.00730. PERIODICAL: Lasker's Chess Magazine. Vol.1 - 2.
New York, Nov.1904 - Oct.1905. 2 volumes bound in 1 roy8vo, dark blue half leather, with gilt stamp of Baruch H.Wood on front cover, some staining or rubbing especially to back cover, with magazine front covers included (first one torn at edges), internally good. Complete with index and 288pp in each volume. Nos.1-6 in each volume. Includes games department conducted by Lasker with 140 games, Problem department by Sam Loyd, news and results from around the world, miscellaneous articles. A scarce magazine which ran to 9 volumes in all. £150.002067. PETROSIAN (T.): Petrosian's Legacy.
Editions Erebouni, USA 1990. 1st English Edn (from Russian, compiled by E.Shektman.) p/b, VG. 123pp., photos, a collection of essays and annotated games, revealing many of his chess secrets, including chapter on his match with Fischer, preface by Kasparov. (A.) £16.002465. PETROSIAN. Shekhtman (E.): The Games of Tigran Petrosian. Vol.1 1942-65. Trans & Ed: K.Neat. With Contributions by Petrosian,Gligoric, Krogius, Tarasov.
Pergamon 1991. 1st Edn. Large hardback, blue glazed boards, VG. 480pp., photos, 1089 games, some annotated by Petrosian, biographical material. (A.) With a bookplate of the ECF collection. A sought after work. £40.002464. PETROSIAN. Shekhtman (E.): The Games of Tigran Petrosian. Vol.2 1966-83. Trans & Ed: K.Neat. With a Contribution by Boris Spassky.
Ishi Press International, 2012. Reprint of 1991 edition. Large p/b, VG. 448pp. 1062 games, some annotated by Petrosian, biographical material, new biographical introduction by Sam Sloan. (A.) £30.00726. PHOTOS: Le Monde des Echecs. Serie 1 (No more published.)
L'Echiquier, Bruxelles, Fevrier 1933. Original card folder (250 x 160mm) containing 16 fine héliogravure portraits of leading chess personalities including Alekhine, Bogoljuboff, Colle, Euwe, Menchik, Tartakower, Spielmann, and one of M.Duchamp and V.Halberstadt together by Man Ray. Very good condition with contents list. LN 2999. £100.002364. Reinfeld (F.): Chess for Amateurs. How to Improve Your Game.
Pitman, 1946. Reprint. VG, d/w (jacket with some paper loss to edges). 98pp. A series of ten lessons with questions and answers. £8.004234. RESHEVSKY. Stephen W.Gordon: Samuel Reshevsky. A Compendium of 1768 Games with Diagrams, Crosstables, Some Annotations, and Indexes.
McFarland, US 2011. (Reprint of 1997 hardback.) Large p/b, VG. 406pp., biography, crosstables, 1768 games from 1917 to 1991(!), some annotated. "The most complete work on Reshevsky" one of the giants of American chess. (A.) £35.006084. RETI. Golombek (H.): Reti's Best Games of Chess. With a New Introduction by Raymond Keene.
Hardinge Simpole 2008. Reprint of 1954 edition. p/b, VG. 173pp. 70 annotated games. £10.00430. RICHTER. Brinckmann (A.): Kurt Richters beste Partien.
De Gruyter, Berlin, 1939. 1st Edn. Original cream cloth, VG. 120pp. 85 annotated games. A sought-after work. £30.006080. Roycroft (A.J.) & K.L.Thompson: Queen and Pawn on a2 against Queen.
Chess Endgame Consultants and Publishers, 1986. Large format p/b, covers slightly creased o/w VG. 8pp. 3 examples showing the maximum length of an optimal win is 17 moves by white. The first of Roycroft's 5-Man Chess Endgame Series. With a bookplate of the ECF collection. £8.003296. SCHLECHTER (C.) T.Crain: Schlechter's Chess Games.
Caissa, US 1998. 1st Edn. Hardback, red cloth, VG. 287pp., brief biography, playing record, 811 games. Gives all Schlechter's games found in a decade-long search. It complements the Goldman book on Schlechter. (A.) £30.001953. Selenus (G.): Das Hochberuhmte und Sinnreiche. Stein oder Schach Spiel mit sonderlichen Anmerkungen.
Kunstberg (c.1690.) Leipzig 1979. Facsimile reprint. Small hardback, slight mark on covers o/w VG. 83pp. Frontispiece, folding plate. I cannot locate the original work in LN or Van der Linde. £12.00241. Selkirk (G.H.): The Book of Chess. A Popular and Comprehensive Guide...with Full Instruction for Blindfold Chess.
Houlston and Wright, 1868. 1st Edn. Original green cloth, spine and front cover with gilt decoration of chessboard and pieces, VG. pp viii,439. Includes many games, and 78 studies. LN 946. £60.006074. Shaw (John): The King's Gambit.
Quality Chess, Glasgow 2017. Third Print. Thick heavy p/b, VG. 680pp. 73 main annotated games. Includes hundreds of original recommendations, cutting-edge analysis, and repertoire advice for both White and Black. £18.005721. SHORT & TIMMAN. Editor: A.Kulagin: The Way to Linares' Summit.
Olbrich, Wurzburg 1993. 1st Edn. Large heavy p/b, slight creasing to covers otherwise VG. 536pp., many photos at end, 2423 games in all. Includes Short's and Timman's games in the 1991 World Championship cycle 1991-93, these are annotated with informator style notes. Then there are 843 games of Short from 1973-92 and 1480 games of Timman from 1968-92, these are without any notes and arranged by ECO openings. Also 37 games with notes of Short versus Timman up to 1992. Published with assistance of Central Chess Club Moscow. (A.) £22.0028. Steiner (George): The Sporting Scene. White Knights of Reykjavik.
Faber, 1973. 1st book Edn. VG, d/w. 67pp. Steiner's memoir of the Fischer-Spassky match, seeking to "grasp the poetry, the monomania and the psychological enigmas of the chess mind" and the links with mathematics and music. (No games.) £12.003031. Suetin (Alexei): Three Steps to Chess Mastery. Translated by Ken Neat.
Cadogan 1996. Reprint. Larger p/b, crease to front cover corner o/w VG. 192pp. A very practical book aimed at the more advanced player. (A.) £9.002217. TEICHMANN. Edited by J.L.Spence: The Chess Career of Richard Teichmann 1892-1924.
Chess Player, 1970. p/b, VG. 152pp., biography, playing record, 92 lightly annotated games. With a small label of the ECF, Pollard collection. £15.00439. Waitzkin (F.): Searching for Bobby Fischer. The Adventures of a Father and his Brilliantly Gifted Son in the Obsessional World of International Chess.
Bodley Head, 1989. 1st UK Edn. VG, d/w. 226pp. (No games.) £9.0030. Whyld (K.): Chess. The Records.
Guinness, 1986. 1st Edn. Large p/b. VG. 176pp., many illustrations, some coloured. Gives records of world championship events, olympiads, major international tournaments, national and city championships, players, other records. £9.006088. Winter (E.G) Editor: Chess Notes. Volume 7.
Geneva, 1988. Large format, ring-bound, VG. 154 pages. Includes some games, numerous anecdotes, quotes, miscellanea, index. (A.) Chess Notes resumed in 1993 as a syndicated column, then in New In Chess, and then online. These volumes are quite scarce. £25.006089. Winter (E.G) Editor: Chess Notes. Volume 8.
Geneva, 1989. Large format, ring-bound, crease to final page corners o/w VG. 138 pages. Includes numerous anecdotes, quotes, miscellanea, index. (A.) Chess Notes resumed in 1993 as a syndicated column, then in New In Chess, and then online. These volumes are quite scarce. £25.00369. YOUNG (F.K.): Field Book of Chess Generalship. Grand Operations.
Putnam's, New York & London, 1923. 1st Edn. Original maroon cloth, spine and part of front cover a bit faded, possibly a label removed from endpaper otherwise good. pp xxviii,244. Includes 46 games, most by Young himself, and 8 games of A.B.Hodges, U.S.Champion. Young was a leading Boston player who applied a military approach to the game and produced some of the most eccentric works on chess. LN1404. £35.00