. RETURN TO HOME PAGE Tony Peterson, 15 Harbour View Park, Rope Walk, Littlehampton, West Sussex, BN17 5DQ, UK. Tel: 01903 730371. email: tony@chessbooks.co.uk £0.004922. 1984-1985 Karpov - Kasparov. KASPAROV (G.): Garry Kasparov on Modern Chess. Part 2 Kasparov vs Karpov 1975-1985 including the 1st and 2nd Matches.
Everyman 2008. Large red hardback, VG, d/w (creased at top). 424pp., 76 annotated games, and Kasparov's accounts of the first two matches. (A.) Uniform with his series "My Great Predecessors." £24.004018. ADAMS (M.) B.& M.Adams: Development of a Grandmaster.
Pergamon 1991. 1st Edn. p/b. VG. 147pp., photos, 50 annotated games and biography covering the period 1979-89. (A.) Britain's leading player for many years. £12.003798. ADORJAN (A.): Black is Still OK!
Batsford 2004. p/b. VG. 224pp. Encourages a positive attitude with the black pieces, with recommended openings and many illustrative games, many by Adorjan. (A.) £9.003870. ALBIN / MARCO: Urcan (O.G.): Chess Fathering a Nation. Adolf Albin (1848-1920) and Georg Marco (1863-1923).
Moravian Chess, 2004. Hardback, F. 218pp., biography and playing record of each, 124 & 123 annotated games. Two Romanian-born players who spent many of their years in Vienna, and were leading players in the 1890's and 1900's. (A.) £32.005316. ALEKHINE (A.): Chess Duels 1893-1920. 260 games annotated by Alexander Alekhine. Researched by Vlastimil Fiala, translated and edited by Ken Neat.
Moravian Chess 2017. New hardback. 452 pp. "In the years before he left Russia he developed his skill by annotating numerous games, not just his own, for newspapers, magazines and tournament books. Here, for the first time, this complete set of annotations is published, making it an invaluable addition to chess development and history." Translator's notes and indexes of sources, Alekhine's opponents (139 games), other games, and openings complete the work. (A.) £32.005719. ALEKHINE (A.): Chess Duels 1921-1924. 127 games annotated by Alexander Alekhine. Researched by Vlastimil Fiala, translated and edited by Ken Neat. Volume 2.
Moravian Chess 2021. New hardback. 312 pp. "This publication is a continuation of the project to publish all the available games annotated by the Fourth world chess champion Alexander Alekhine. These are not only his own games but also games by other players for which he contributed notes in various publications. Covered here are several international tournaments in Europe from 1921-1923, as well as exhibition games in Britain and North America from 1923 and early 1924. An additional chapter gives a few early game annotations which were not included in the first volume." (A.) £32.005864. ALEKHINE (A.): Chess Duels 1924-1926. 198 games annotated by Alexander Alekhine. Researched by Vlastimil Fiala, translated and edited by Ken Neat. Volume 3.
Moravian Chess 2021. New hardback. 519 pp. "This is the third volume of our project to publish all the available games annotated by the Fourth world chess champion Alexander Alekhine. These are not only his own games but also games by other players for which he contributed notes in various publications." Covered here are all the games from New York 1924, Baden Baden 1925, and Semmering 1926, plus a few other events. New York 1924 has been translated from a revised edition of the Russian book (1989), thus providing a fresh English version of Alekhine's annotations. (A.) £32.004017. ALEKHINE (A.): Deux Cents Parties d'Echecs (1908-1927).
BCM Classic Reprint No.13. 1973/79. Reprint of original 1936 French edition. 2 volumes, p/b's, slight damage on one rear cover o/w G. 488pp in all. 200 annotated games. Scarce title. £25.003382. ALEKHINE (A.): My Best Games of Chess 1908-1923.
Bell 1927. 1st Edn. Original dark green cloth, some staining to covers, a few pages with light foxing o/w good. Portrait, 267pp. 100 annotated games. Scarce first edition of this classic work regarded as one of the best chess books ever written, for the brilliant games and annotations. With a bookplate of the ECF collection, and a previous owner inscription. £25.006052. ALEKHINE (A.): My Best Games of Chess 1908-1923. Translated from the Original French Manuscripts by J. Du Mont and M.E. Goldstein.
Bell 1950. Reprint. Spine rather worn o/w G. 267pp. 100 annotated games. Regarded as one of the best chess books ever written, for the brilliant games and annotations. £9.00168. ALEKHINE (A.): My Best Games of Chess 1908-1923. Translated from the Original French Manuscripts by J. Du Mont and M.E. Goldstein.
Bell 1928. First reprinted edition. VG, apart from a little foxing to page block edges. Previous owner name and address on endpaper. Portrait, 267pp. 100 annotated games. Regarded as one of the best chess books ever written, for the brilliant games and annotations. With a bookplate of the ECF collection. £18.00169. ALEKHINE (A.): My Best Games of Chess 1924-1937.
Bell 1945. Reprint. VG, d/w (the jacket is a wartime one where due to paper shortage it was printed on paper with French text on it!). Portrait, 285pp. 120 annotated games. £12.004138. ALEKHINE. A.Kotov: Shakhmatnoe nasledie A.A.Alekhine.
Moscow 1954-58. 2 volumes. 2nd Edn of Vol.1, 1st of Vol.2. Original pale blue cloth. VG. Biography and 374 annotated games. £30.00326. ALEKHINE. Alexander (C.H.O'D.): Alekhine's Best Games of Chess 1938-1945.
Bell 1974. Reprint. VG, red d/w. 117pp. 42 annotated games. . £10.00167. ALEKHINE. Reinfeld (F.): The Unknown Alekhine 1905-1914.
Pitman 1949. 1st Edn. Spine yellowed as often found otherwise good. 278pp. 102 annotated games. £12.00291. ALEXANDER. Golombek (H.) & W.Hartston.: The Best Games of C.H.O'D.Alexander. With a Memoir by Sir Stuart Milner-Barry.
OUP 1976. 1st Edn. Oblong hardback, VG,d/w. 4 excellent photos, 167pp printed on green paper. 70 annotated games. A nice book and quite scarce. £24.00206. ANAND. Norwood (D.): Vishy Anand: Chess Super-Talent.
Batsford, 1995. 1st. p/b, VG. 144pp. Biography and 35 games. (A.) £7.004175. ANDERSON. J.Donaldson: The Life and Games of Frank Ross Anderson (1928-1980).
Moravian Chess, 2009. New hardback. 361pp. Biography, career record, photos, 523 games, many briefly annotated. Anderson was a strong Canadian IM and twice Canadian champion. (A.) £30.002546. ANDERSSEN: Weltgeschichte des Schachs. No.4. Adolph Anderssen I. (All published.)
Hamburg 1968. Red cloth, VG. 79pp of opening index, photos, facsimile articles from magazines, 604 games with a diagram every 5 moves, plus booklet of notes. One of the scarcer volumes in this series. £30.004544. ANDERSSEN. Ed: S.Pickard: The Chess Games of Adolph Anderssen. Master of Attack. With Annotations Gathered from the Old Masters. Revised & Expanded by Ron Burnett.
Pickard & Son, US 1996. 1st Edn. p/b. VG. 349pp. 897 games with Informator style notes (only 94 draws!) Also 80 problems composed by Anderssen and a Memorial essay from 1879 here translated into English for the first time. (A.) £16.005637. ANDERSSEN. Robert Johnson: Adolf Anderssen. Combinative Chess Genius. An Autobiography with 80 Annotated Games.
Self-published, Australia, 2020. Large heavy hardback (22 x 30cm), pictorial covers. 353pp., 36 fine large photos (3 in colour of Anderssen's grave), comprises ten chapters with biography and 80 annotated games using contemporary annotations where possible, appendix with Steinitz's Obituary of Anderssen, bibliography and indexes. Printed on high quality paper with large type and diagrams. The author has "endeavoured to present the fullest, most accurate possible account of Anderssen's life in English." A superb book. Signed and dated by the author on the endpaper. £65.004720. ARKELL (K.): Arkell's Odyssey. The Autobiography of a Chess Grandmaster.
Keverel Chess Books, 2012. p/b, VG. 123pp.,photos, 70 annotated games interspersed with autobiography of one of Britain's busiest Grandmasters. (A.) £16.003865. BISGUIER (A.) & N.Berry: The Art of Bisguier. Selected Games 1961-2003.
Russell Ent, USA 2008. New p/b. 272pp., brief biography, photos, 100 annotated games each with an anecdote and comment on the opponent. (A.) £15.002348. BLACKBURNE (J.H.) Graham (P.A.): Blackburne's Games at Chess Selected, Annotated and Arranged by Himself. Edited, with a Biographical Sketch and a Brief History of Blindfold Chess by P.A.Graham.
Dover 1979 reprint of 1899 edition, with new introduction by David Hooper. p/b, VG. Portrait, 331pp. 407 games. £15.005140. BLACKBURNE (J.H.) Graham (P.A.): Blackburne's Games at Chess Selected, Annotated and Arranged by Himself. Edited, with a Biographical Sketch and a Brief History of Blindfold Chess by P.A.Graham.
Moravian Chess reprint of 1899 edition. Hardback, pictorial glazed boards, F. 331pp. 407 games. £24.001408. BLACKBURNE (J.H.) Graham (P.A.): Mr.Blackburne's Games at Chess Selected, Annotated and Arranged by Himself. Edited, with a Biographical Sketch and a Brief History of Blindfold Chess by P.A.Graham.
Longmans, Green 1899. 1st Edn. Large octavo, original cloth, small split to top of spine otherwise a very good copy. Portrait, pp ix, 331. 407 games with brief notes, 28 problems, index of games. £75.003839. BOGOLJUBOW. Edited by Jack Spence: The Chess Career of E.D.Bogoljubow. Vol.II 1930-1952.
Chess Player (1970). p/b, covers a little stained o/w G. 148pp. 100 games annotated from contemporary journals and tournament books. £16.003115. BOLESLAVSKY . Suetin (A.): (Biography & Games Collection in Russian.)
Moscow 1981. 1st Edn. G,d/w (some edge tears). 255pp., photos, 140 annotated games. £10.00970. BOTVINNIK (M.): Botvinnik's Best Games 1947-1970. Trans: B.Cafferty.
Batsford, 1972. 1st English Edn. VG, d/w. 237pp. 111 annotated games. £14.004353. BOTVINNIK (M.): Botvinnik's Best Games. Vol.1 1925-1941. Vol.2 1942-1956. Vol.3 1957-1970. Analytical & Critical Works. Trans & Ed: Ken Neat.
Moravian Chess 2000. An authorised translation of "Analiticheskie i kriticheskie raboti." (Moscow 1984.) 3 volumes, hardbacks, VG. pp 392,496,464, photos, playing record, autobiography, 381 annotated games, plus some training games. (A.) £90.004288. BOTVINNIK (M.): Botvinnik's Complete Games (1924-1970) and Selected Writings (Parts 1-3.) Translated & Edited by Ken Neat.
Moravian Chess 2010-15. 3 volumes, New hardbacks, pictorial glazed boards. 396, 368, 380pp. Numerous games, many annotated. Includes Botvinnik's memories of various players, thoughts on various topics, chess cybernetics, composition, analyses, creative problems, FIDE matters, at the chess summit. Translated from Botvinnik's fourth volume of his Russian work, which contained his collected writings. (A.) Together with the companion 3 volume "Best Games" this forms a complete collection. £90.00825. BOTVINNIK (M.): Half a Century of Chess.
Pergamon, 1984. 1st English Edn. Large p/b, previous owner inscription on half-title page o/w G. 278pp. 90 annotated games from 1925 to 1966. Includes his impressions of the chess and human aspects of his opponents, as well as typical episodes from tournament life. (A.) £18.00257. BOTVINNIK (M.M.): Botwinnik Victor. Keur van Zijn Beste Partijen 1936-1948. De Vertaling is van G.C.A.Oskam.
Lochem 1949. 1st Dutch Edn. VG. 96pp. 49 annotated games. £12.00449. BOTVINNIK (M.M.): One Hundred Selected Games.
Dover 1960. p/b, small crease on front cover o/w VG. 272pp. Biographical material, 100 annotated games, 6 studies. £10.002783. BOTVINNIK (M.M.): Polveka v shakhmatakh. (Games collection.)
Moscow, 1978. 1st Edn. VG,d/w. 272pp, illus, 83 annotated games from 1925-1970, 10 studies. £12.005136. BOTVINNIK (M.M.) Ed: V.D.Baturinsky: Shakhmatnoye tvorchestvo Botvinnika. (Biography & Games Collection.) Vol.3 only.
Moscow, 1968. VG, d/w (slightly torn.) pp 560, photos, biographical material, 200 annotated games from 1957-66. £14.001654. BREYER. I.Bottlik: Gyula Breyer (1893 - 1921). Sein Leben, Werk und Schaffen fur die Erneuerung des Schachs.
Schachfirma Fruth, 1999. 1st Edn. p/b. VG. 179pp., photos, playing record, biography, many annotated games. Scarce title. £20.00134. CAPABLANCA.: Weltgeschichte des Schachs. No.14. Jose Raoul Capablanca.
Wildhagen, Hamburg 1963. Red cloth, VG. 571 games with a diagram every 5 moves. With booklet of notes. With a bookplate of the ECF collection. £24.0064. CAPABLANCA. Golombek (H.): Capablanca's Hundred Best Games of Chess. With a Memoir by J. du Mont.
Bell 1965. Reprint. Small white splash marks on front cover o/w VG. Portrait, 270pp., playing record, 100 annotated games. £12.0066. CAPABLANCA. Hooper (D.) & D.Brandreth.: The Unknown Capablanca.
Batsford 1975. 1st Edn. VG,d/w. 201pp. 203 games, some annotated. Only a few of the games had previously been published. Includes many games from Capablanca's youth, plus simultaneous, exhibition and casual games, and his match with Juan Corzo which gained him the title of Cuban Champion at the age of twelve. With a small label of the ECF, Pollard collection. £12.001273. CAPABLANCA. Dr.F.C.Gorschen.: Capablancas Verlustpartien.
Rattmann, Hamburg 1976. 2nd enlarged edn. p/b, G. 155pp. A collection of Capablanca's lost games (36), nearly lost games (38), and 10 lost simultaneous games, all annotated. £10.005744. CAPABLANCA. E.Winter: Capablanca. A Compendium of Games, Notes, Articles, Correspondence, Illustrations and Other Rare Archival Materials on the Cuban Genius José Raúl Capablanca, 1888-1942.
McFarland, US 1989. 1st Edition. Hardback, black cloth, Fine. 349pp., plates showing 26 rare photos. Definitive compilation of archival materials. This hardback edition is quite scarce now. (A.) £40.002908. CAPABLANCA. E.Winter: Capablanca. A Compendium of Games, Notes, Articles, Correspondence, Illustrations and Other Rare Archival Materials on the Cuban Genius José Raúl Capablanca, 1888-1942.
McFarland, US 2011. (Reprint of 1989 hardback). p/b, crease on front cover corner, a few words yellow highlighted o/w VG. 349pp., plates showing 26 rare photos. Definitive compilation of archival materials. £20.005819. CAPABLANCA. H.Golombek: J.R.Capablanca 75 Seiner Schonsten Partien. Mit einer Gedenkrede von J. Du Mont. Ubersetzt und bearbeitet von R.Teschner.
de Gruyter, Berlin & NY 1983. 4th Edn. VG. 194pp., biography, 75 annotated games, portrait, crosstables. With a bookplate of the ECF, Golombek collection. £9.003452. CAPABLANCA. V.Fiala: Capablanca in the United Kingdom (1911-1920.)
Moravian Chess 2006. New hardback. 379pp. Documents Capablanca's four visits to the UK during this period in great detail, including unknown data and games. He played numerous simultaneous displays and also the Hastings Victory Congress in 1919. 123 games, many annotated. (A.) £27.00833. CHAROUSEK (Rudolf). Charuchin (V.A.): Chess Comet Charousek.
Schachfirma Fruth (1998). 1st Edn. VG. 289pp. 250 games with Informator style notes, biography, indexes, photos. (A.) £24.001465. DE VERE. O.Hindle & B.Jones: "The English Morphy"? The Life and Games of Cecil De Vere, First British Chess Champion.
Keverel, 2001. p/b, spine slightly faded o/w VG. 130pp. 101 games, biography, illustrations. (A.) £12.004196. DONNER (J.H.): The King. Chess Pieces. Collected and Introduced by Tim Krabbe and Max Pam.
New In Chess, 2008. 2nd unabridged English Edition. p/b. VG. 391pp., photos, some annotated games and positions, a huge anthology of articles and short pieces that Donner had written about chess since 1950, in his witty and unpredictable style, full of insults and ironies. Among his favourite subjects are Fischer, the blunder, luck, why women can't play chess, madness etc. (A.) £18.005252. DONNER. E-J Straat: J.H.Donner grootmeester.
New In Chess, 1993. p/b. VG. 96pp., photos, playing record, biography, many games with languageless notes. £12.002521. DURAS (O.) F.J.Prokop: Duras Vitezi. (Biography in Czech.)
V Praze, 1944. 1st Edn. p/b. Fine copy, page edges partly unopened. Portrait, 147pp., biography, 142 games, 73 studies. LN 3061. £28.003734. DURAS. J.Kalendovsky: The Complete Games of Oldrich Duras.
Chess Player 1997. p/b. F. 180pp., playing record, biography, 539 games, some with brief notes. (A.) The first book on Duras in English and containing all his located games at time of publication. £17.005139. DURAS. V.Fiala: Oldrich Duras. Master of Chess Combination. Vol.1 On the Road to Chess Mastership (1882-1905).
Moravian Chess 2014. New hardback, pictorial glazed boards. 582pp., 189 games, many annotated, 26 problems and studies, crosstables, statistics, biographical material. (A.) A new and extensively researched work on the world class Czech player. £34.005057. EUWE (M.) A.Munninghoff: Max Euwe. The Biography.
NIC 2001. p/b. VG. 351pp., photos, full career results, Including 50 games annotated by Euwe. The best biography of Euwe. £20.005981. EUWE. I & V.Linder: Max Euwe. Fifth World Chess Champion. Game Annotations by Karsten Muller.
Russell Ent., USA 2017. p/b,VG. 240pp., photos, biography, 104 annotated games, crosstables. Includes "mini-biographies" of many of Euwe's opponents. (A.) £16.006083. FINE (R.): A Passion for Chess. Lessons from My Games.
Dover, NY 1983. Reprint of 1958 book. p/b, VG. 225pp. 50 annotated games, with anecdotes and comments on the players he met. Two pages with small edge tears. £10.003902. FINE. A.Woodger: Reuben Fine. A Comprehensive Record of an American Chess Career, 1929-1951.
McFarland, US 2018. Reprint. Large p/b. F. 392pp., photos, brief biography, career history and playing record, 882 games, many annotated. (A.) £30.00872. FISCHER (B.): Fischer's Chess Games. With an Introduction by R.Keene.
OUP 1980. 1st Edn. p/b, VG. 166pp. The most complete collection at time of publication, the games with Informator style notes. (A.) With bookplate of the ECF collection on the title-page. £10.005839. FISCHER (Bobby): My 60 Memorable Games. Selected and Fully Annotated by Bobby Fischer. With Introductions to the Games by Larry Evans.
Batsford 2008. p/b. VG. 384pp. No alterations have been made to the original text other than the conversion of moves into algebraic notation. £15.00105. FISCHER. Burger (R.E.): The Chess of Bobby Fischer.
Chilton, USA 1975.. 1st Edn. Hardback, VG, d/w (some edge wear). 339pp. Numerous annotated games and part-games which illustrate Fischer's winning methods. £16.004127. FISCHER. A.Soltis: Bobby Fischer Rediscovered.
Batsford 2003. 1st Edn. p/b, VG. 287pp., author's essay on Fischer, 100 annotated games, each with introduction. (A.) A fresh and in-depth look at Fischer's best games by one of his contemporaries. £14.004546. FISCHER. F.Brady: Endgame. Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall - From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness.
Crown, NY 2011. 1st Edn. Fine,d/w. Photos, 402pp. (No games.) The definitive biography. Includes an Epilogue and lenghty section of Notes and sources. £20.004219. FISCHER. F.Brady: Profile of a Prodigy. The Life and Games of Bobby Fischer.
McKay, NY 1971. Repr. p/b. VG. 250pp. 100 page biography and 75 annotated games. The first of Brady's biographies on Fischer. £8.005105. FISCHER. F.Brady: Profile of a Prodigy. The Life and Games of Bobby Fischer.
Nicholas Kaye, 1965. 1st UK Edn. VG. 250pp. 100 page biography and 75 annotated games. The first of Brady's biographies on Fischer. With two bookplates and signature of Sir Richard Clarke, KCB, OBE. Clarke was a high-ranking civil servant and also devised the BCF grading system. £10.003640. FISCHER. H.Bohm & K.Jongkind: Bobby Fischer. The Wandering King.
Batsford 2004. 1st English Edn. p/b. F. 158pp., 1 game, traces Fischer's life through interviews with many former friends and rivals, archives and FBI files. £14.00834. FISCHER. Hays (Lou): Bobby Fischer. Complete Games of the American World Chess Champion.
Hays, Texas,1995. Large p/b, VG. 288pp. 1043 games, some with brief notes, full playing record and indexes. "1995 edition with 101 new games." (A.) £15.005808. FISCHER. Jan Timman: The Unstoppable American. Bobby Fischer's Road to Reykjavik. His Sensational Run to the 1972 World Chess Championship Match.
New in Chess, 2021. p/b, VG. 254pp., photos, 63 annotated games. Timman chronicles the full story of Fischer's sensational run during 1970-71 and takes a fresh look at the games. Annotated in Timman's lucid style with a mix of colourful background information and sharp, crystal-clear explanations. (A.) £20.00451. FISCHER. Wade & O'Connell: The Games of Robert J. Fischer.
Batsford 1981. 1st p/b Edn. VG. 462pp., photos, tournament & match record, biography, over 700 games, some annotated. With a bookplate of the ECF collection. £14.005640. FISCHER. Wade & O'Connell: The Games of Robert J. Fischer.
Batsford 1972. 1st Edn. Hardback, spine faded, some photos stuck together due to previous damp o/w G. 448pp., photos, tournament & match record, biography, over 700 games, some annotated. £8.00156. FOLTYS. Podgorny (J.): Jan Foltys. Mezinarodni Sachovy Mistr Zivotni Dilo.
Prague 1956. 1st Edn. Original cloth, covers a little marked o/w G. pp 280,(4), portrait, crosstables. A large collection of games, most annotated, from 1926 to 1951. A scarce work. £30.00539. FOREEST. Prins (L.): Een Hulde aan Jhr.Dr.Dirk van Foreest.
Lochem: De Tijdstroom (1945.) 1st Edn. Original cloth, spine yellowed and a little stained o/w G. 71pp., portrait. Contains tributes to van Foreest, games and problem compositions by this earliest Dutch chess master (1862-c.1946.) £25.00280. GELLER (Y.P.): The Application of Chess Theory. Trans: K.Neat.
Pergamon Press 1984. 1st Edn. Large p/b, paper slightly yellowed o/w VG. 262pp. 100 annotated games of Geller, with emphasis on opening plans and their development in the middlegame. (A.) £14.00991. GLIGORIC. Levy (D.): Svetozar Gligoric's Chess Career 1945-1970.
Collins, 1972. 1st Edn. VG, d/w. 192pp. 63 annotated games. With two bookplates of the BCF/ECF, Golombek collection. £12.001024. GUFELD (E.): (Autobiography in Russian.)
Moscow 1985. p/b. G. 192pp. 106 games. £8.002433. GUFELD (E.): Chess: The Search for Mona Lisa.
Batsford 2001. p/b. VG. 256pp. Over 100 annotated games. "Witty story-telling of life on the tournament circuit over the last 40 years in Europe and the USA." (A.) £12.005394. HORT (V.) T.Karolyi: Legendary Chess Careers: Vlastimil Hort.
Chess Evolution, Poland 2016. 1st Edn. p/b. VG. 125pp., photos, good selection of annotated games, interspersed with a lengthy interview with Hort. (A.) £14.001026. HUBNER (R.) van Fondern & P.Kleine: 60 Seiner Schonsten Partien.
Beyer, 1982. 2nd Enlarged Edn. Small p/b, previous owner note to foot of title-page o/w VG. 176pp. 64 games with brief notes and commentary before most games. £10.001909. JANOWSKY. Voronkov & Plisetsky: David Janowski. (Biography in Russian.)
Moscow, 1987. Attractive brown imitation leather. VG. 416pp., photos, 175 annotated games. Paper slightly yellowed. The first book about Janowski. £18.001455. JUNGE. H.Riedl.: Das Leben und Schaffen von Klaus Junge. 1924-1945.
Schachfirma Fruth, 1995. 1st Edn. p/b, VG. 208pp. photos, biography, crosstables. Includes 106 annotated games. A very strong young German player who played many tournaments in 1941-2 culminating in =1st with Alekhine at Prague 1942. He was killed in action in 1945 aged 21. A scarce title. £20.001894. KAMSKY. N.Heymann: Fuhrende Schachmeister der Gegenwart Gata Kamsky.
Europa Rochade, 1992. 1st Edn. p/b. VG. 80pp., photos, 90 games with occasional notes. £9.0071. KARPOV. Levy (D.): Karpov's Collected Games.
Hale 1975. 1st Edn. G, no d/w. 303pp., photos, brief biography, playing record, 543 games, some annotated by Karpov. £8.00329. KARPOV. O'Connell (K.J.) & J.Adams.: The Games of Anatoly Karpov.
Batsford 1974. 1st Edn. VG, d/w. 352pp., photos, crosstables 347 games, most annotated. Karpov was only 23 when this book was published, and had qualified to play a World title match with Fischer in 1975, following a string of strong tournament and match victories. £14.00332. KASPAROV (G.): Child of Change. The Autobiography. With Donald Trelford.
Hutchinson 1987. 1st Edn. VG,d/w (slightly creased). 3 pages with a few words underlined in red ink. 243pp., photos, a few games. £7.001123. KASPAROV (G.): My Games.
Batsford 1983. 1st Edn. p/b, a little wear to spine, small writing on endpaper o/w VG. 163pp. 372 games, 10 annotated in-depth. The first English collection of Kasparov's games. (A.) £11.004015. KASPAROV. M.Yudovich: Garri Kasparov. His Career in Chess. Translated by Oleg Zilbert.
Raduga, Moscow 1988. 1st English Edn. VG. 204pp., photos, biography, 73 annotated games. (A.) £10.004067. KASPAROV: Karolyi & Aplin: Kasparov's Fighting Chess 1993-1998.
Batsford, 2006. p/b. VG. 315pp. The period 1993-1998 represents one of the richest phases in his career. 60 games annotated in depth. Earlier games are analyzed with computer assistance for the first time - sometimes revealing blemishes in existing analysis - showing the richness of thought and the supreme versatility of the player many consider to be the greatest of all time. (A.) With bookplate of the ECF, Wade collection. £14.004024. KEENE (R.): Grandmaster Strategy. Ray Keene's Best Games.
Hardinge Simpole, 2002. Reprint of 1999 private edition. p/b. VG. 212pp., biographical material, crosstables,100 annotated games. (A.) £15.004894. KEMENY. J.S.Hilbert: Emil Kemeny. A Life in Chess.
McFarland, US 2013. 1st Edn. Large p/b. 341pp., biography, photos, many annotated games, match and tournament record. (A.) A Hungarian chess player who appeared on the American chess scene in 1890, and became one of the country's finest players through to 1906, after which he returned to Hungary. £39.001851. KERES (Paul): Weltgeschichte des Schachs. No.21.
Wildhagen, Hamburg 1960. Red cloth, a little marked and faded o/w G. 500 games with a diagram every 5 moves, plus booklet of notes. £20.00333. KERES. Reinfeld (F.): Keres' Best Games of Chess 1931-1940.
Bell 1941. 1st Edn. Slightly creased on spine, a little marked o/w G. 224pp. 77 annotated games. Occasional foxing. £9.002976. KERES. Varnusz (E.): Paul Keres' Best Games. Vol.1: Closed Games.
Pergamon 1987. 1st English Edn. Large p/b, previous owner name on half-title o/w VG. Photos, 192pp., short biography, playing record, 170 annotated games. (A.) £12.00423. KERES. Varnusz (E.): Paul Keres' Best Games. Vol.2: Open and Semi-Open Games.
Pergamon 1990. 1st English Edn. p/b, waterstain on top blank edge of pages o/w G. Photos, 278pp. 240 annotated games. (A.) £10.003733. KHOLMOV. A.Woodger: Ratmir Holmov.
Chess Player, 1999. 1st Edn. p/b. VG. 96pp. Brief biography, tournament results, 64 annotated games. (A.) A strong Soviet GM mainly active in the USSR in the 1950s and 60s but continuing up to 1997. £12.001460. KORCHNOI. V.Korchnoi, R.Wade & L.Blackstock: Korchnoi's 400 Best Games.
Batsford, 1978. 1st Edn. p/b, VG. 264pp. Playing record and informator-style notes. (A.) £12.002979. KRAMNIK (V.) & I.Damsky: Kramnik. My Life and Games.
Everyman 2000. 1st English Edn. Large p/b, previous owner name on title-page o/w VG. 272pp., biography, 178 annotated games. (A.) £16.005990. KRAMNIK. S.W.Gordon & T.Taylor: Young Lions: Vladimir Kramnik.
3 Girls Publishing, Salt Lake City, 1994. 1st Edn. p/b, VG. 140pp. 308 games, 13 annotated at the end, plus 21 combinations to solve, crosstables of major events. (A.) £14.006093. LARSEN (B.): Larsen's Selected Games of Chess 1948-69.
Bell 1976. Reprint. p/b, VG. 181pp. 50 annotated games. £18.00875. LARSEN (B.): Larsen's Selected Games of Chess 1948-69.
Bell 1970. 1st Edn. VG, red d/w (jacket frayed on the top edges). 181pp. 50 annotated games. A sought-after title. With two bookplates of the BCF/ECF, Golombek collection. £18.005755. LARSEN (Bent): Bent Larsen's Best Games. Fighting Chess with the Great Dane.
New in Chess, 2014. 1st Edn. p/b, VG. 350pp., photos, crosstables, biography, 124 annotated games. Larsen was one of the most successful tournament players, particularly in the 1960s and early 70s. (A.) £24.003451. LASA (von der): Edited by V.Fiala & S.Sierpowski: Tassilo von Heydebrand und der Lasa and His Chess Collection. International Conference of Chess Historians. Organised by Kornik Library of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Sept.16-18, 2002.
Moravian Chess, Kornik 2003. Hardback, VG. 286pp. Comprises a series of lectures by various historians, mainly in English and German, including biography of v.der Lasa and 176 of his games. (A.) £30.005920. LASKER (Em.) I & V.Linder: Emanuel Lasker. Second World Chess Champion. Game Annotations by Karsten Muller.
Russell Ent., USA 2010. p/b, slight crease on front cover o/w VG. 264pp., photos, biography, 80 annotated games, crosstables. A very interesting work dealing with many facets of Lasker's life and character. (A.) £15.005393. LASKER (Emanuel): Editors: R.Forster, M.Negele, R.Tischbierek: Emanuel Lasker. Volume 1. Struggle and Victories. World Chess Champion for 27 Years.
Exzelsior Verlag, Berlin 2018. New hardback, dark blue cloth with gilt lettering. pp xiv,450, numerous fine photos, many rarely seen, good selection of annotated games. Includes biography, ancestors, family and childhood, Lasker in Great Britain, The American Views, Lasker and Mathematics, his Endgame studies and problems, his battles with Tarrasch, "Dominator" of the chess world, illustration sources, bibliography, general index. (A.) A splendid book with essays by leading experts, about a unique figure, whose intellectual horizon and ambitions went far beyond the 64 squares. The first of three volumes. £55.001126. LASKER (Emanuel.): Weltgeschichte des Schachs. No.11.
Hamburg 1958. Red cloth, spine faded o/w G. 569 games with a diagram every 5 moves, plus booklet of notes. £25.004062. LASKER (Emanuel.) Editor: A.Khalifman: II.Games 1904-1940.
Chess Stars 1998. Large p/b. VG. 303pp., crosstables, 297 games with languageless notes by GM's. (A.) £12.00146. LASKER. Reinfeld (F.) & R.Fine: Dr.Lasker's Chess Career. Part 1,1889-1914.(All Published.)
Printing Craft 1935. 1st Edn. Spine faded as usual o/w VG. Frontispiece, 165pp. 75 annotated games. £25.002913. LASKER. J.Gilchrist: Emanuel Lasker, Chess Champion. Vols.1 (2nd Edn.) & Vol.2 (Reprint.)
Chess Player No.55 & 71. 1967-68. 2 volumes, large format p/b's. G. Typescript, pp (112) & (86), playing record, 503 games. £20.004118. LASKER: PERIODICAL: Lasker and his Contemporaries. No.2.
Thinkers' Press, Iowa, 1979. Large format p/b. VG. pp 38-75, illustrated. Various articles on Lasker, some games, his 1910 Buenos Aires lectures, interview, Najdorf on Alekhine, Hannak on Schlechter, the Great Steinitz Hoax by Purdy. . £12.00873. LASKER: PERIODICAL: Lasker and his Contemporaries. No.5.
Thinkers' Press, Iowa, 1997. Large format p/b. Fine. 64pp., illustrated. Long article on Lasker's first two months in USA 1892, others on Capt.Evans, Carlos Torre, Essential Tools for Exploring Chess History, Forgotten Games etc.. £15.002614. LEVENFISH (G.Y.): Izbrannye party i vospominanya (Autobiography in Russian)
Moscow, 1967. 1st Edn. p/b, paper yellowed o/w G. 200pp. 79 annotated games. £8.004000. LIPSCHUTZ. A.J.Gillam: Samuel Lipschutz.
Chess Masters Series No.13, Chess Player 2000. F. Paper covers with plastic protection, stapled. 76pp., biography, 96 games, some annotated. (A.) £9.004887. LUNDIN. Jonasson, S. and L.Holmstrand- Editors: Erik Lundin spelar upp sina schackminnen 1924-1979.
Skara: Sveriges Schackforbund, 1979. 1st Edn. p/b. VG. 178pp., photos, biography and 126 annotated games of strong Swedish GM. Signed by Lundin, Jan.1980. £40.005636. MACKENZIE. V.Fiala: George Henry Mackenzie: Third US Chess Champion 1870.
Moravian Chess, 2019. New p/b. 167pp. 56 annotated games. Detailed coverage of Mackenzie's tournaments and matches during the year 1870. (A.) Great Chess Players' Series No.1. £19.004235. MAROCZY. W.A.Foldeak: Geza Maroczy Leben und Lehren.
De Gruyter, Berlin 1971. 1st Edn. p/b. VG. 104pp., biography and many annotated games. £10.005568. MARRIOTT. F.Zavatarelli: The Gloomy Fate and Romantic Chess of Arthur Towle Marriott.
Moravian Chess, 2019. New p/b. 159pp., biography, 156 games, most annotated from contemporary sources, indexes. Arthur Towle Marriott, 1859-1884, was a strong chess player from Nottingham. He played in a very exciting style often leaving his Queen en prise. (A.) £18.00204. MARSHALL (F.J.): Chess Openings. With Biographical Sketch and Selection of Thirty-Two Games, Played 1899-1904.
BCM, Leeds 1904. 1st Edn. Original blue cloth, good. Portrait, pp iv,185,(3) adverts. The first collection of Marshall's games. £35.00286. MARSHALL (F.J.): My Fifty Years of Chess.
Bell / Chess Review, NY 1942. 1st Edn. G, d/w (jacket torn with loss at the top). 242pp., photos, biography, 140 annotated games. With two bookplates of the ECF/BCF, Golombek collection. £20.004247. MARSHALL. J.S.Hilbert: Young Marshall. The Early Chess Career of Frank James Marshall, with Collected Games 1893-1900.
Moravian Chess, 2002. 1st Edn. F. 282pp., photos, detailed biography, citing numerous original references, 173 games, some annotated or with introductions. (A.) £32.005653. MARSHALL. T.Hagemann: Frank James Marshall.
Kleine Schachbucherei Band 23, Hollfeld, 1987. Small p/b, VG. 88pp., biography, 44 games (not annotated), chapter of opening theory. £7.005209. MENCHIK (Vera) R.B.Tanner: Vera Menchik. A Biography of the First Women's World Chess Champion, with 350 Games.
McFarland, US 2016. Hardback (18 x 26cm), VG. 316pp., illustrations, 354 games, some annotated, crosstables, biography, her writings, appendices, notes, bibliography and indices. (A.) £40.001360. MORPHY. Lawson (David): Paul Morphy. The Pride and Sorrow of Chess.
McKay, New York 1976. 1st Edn. Large thick hardback, VG (no d/w.) 424pp., many illustrations, 60 games. The definitive biography of Morphy, with much on his later life, copies of letters and documents etc. An impressive book, scarce and sought-after. £45.005956. MORPHY. Lawson (David): Paul Morphy. The Pride and Sorrow of Chess. Edited by Thomas Aiello.
University of Louisiana, 2010. New Edition. p/b, Fine. 398pp., many illustrations. The definitive biography of Morphy, with much on his later life, copies of letters and documents etc. The original 1976 edition is scarce. This new edition includes a lengthy introduction by the editor including information and photos of David Lawson and additional bibliography. £25.004990. MORPHY. Lawson (David): Paul Morphy: La Gloire et la Tristesse des Echecs. Translated from the American Edition by David-Andre Gills.
Privately published 2013. p/b, Fine. 418pp., many illustrations, 60 games. The definitive biography of Morphy, with much on his later life, copies of letters and documents etc. Note the print is rather small. A translation of the definitive biography of Morphy: "Pride and Sorrow of Chess", published in 1976. Edition Limited to 100 numbered and signed copies. £30.006077. MORPHY. M.Shibut: Paul Morphy and the Evolution of Chess Theory.
Dover 2004. Reprint of the 1993 hardback. p/b, VG. 359pp., various essays on Morphy's style, his contemporaries, photos, 465 games, a good number annotated, sections on Morphy's openings and endgames. Includes an errata specially prepared for this edition. The most complete collection of Morphy's games. (A.) £16.00650. MUHRING. Henneberke (F.W.J.): Willem Jan Muhring een tijdsbeeld. Leven en Werken van een International Schaakmeester.
Vermande Schaakfonds, 1978. 1st Edn. Thick p/b, G. 376pp. Includes games, biography and writings of the Dutch IM. £14.004267. NAJDORF (M.) T.Lissowski: Young Najdorf.
Chess Player 2010. New p/b. 151pp., photos, biography, playing record, 192 games, many annotated, from contemporary Polish sources. A detailed record of Najdorf's early career, from his earliest recorded game in 1928 to the end of 1939 when he was stranded in Argentina by the outbreak of World War 2. (A.) £16.003187. NAPIER (William Ewart). J.S.Hilbert: Napier The Forgotten Chessmaster.
Caissa Editions, US 1997. 1st Edn. Hardback, red cloth, VG. 354pp., illus, 321 games, some annotated, detailed biography of a player active from 1896 to 1905 who retired from chess before the age of 25! He played hundreds of exciting attacking games. (A.) £35.00550. NIMZOWITSCH. Keene (R.): Aron Nimzowitsch 1886-1935: A Reappraisal.
Bell 1974. 1st Edn. Paper yellowed as usual otherwise VG,d/w. 334pp. Many annotated games. £12.00416. NUNN (J.): John Nunn's Best Games 1985-1993.
Batsford 1995. 1st Edn. VG. p/b. 320pp. 40 games analysed in depth, with anecdotes from the events. (A.) BCF Book of the Year winner 1995. £12.001927. PACHMAN (L.): Meine 100 Besten Partien und Meine Probleme.
Rau verlag, 1978. 1st Edn. p/b. VG. 127pp. 100 annotated games, details of his tournaments. £12.003346. PAULSEN. H.Paulussen: Louis Paulsen 1833-1891 und das Schachspiel in Lippe 1900-1981.
Detmold 1982. 1st Edn. p/b. VG. 312pp., (in German) biography, photos, copies of documents, 72 games of Paulsen, some with brief notes, details of Paulsen's family, some games of his brother Wilfried, the remaining half of the book concerns chess in the Lippe area of Germany with many more games. Scarce book. £30.002067. PETROSIAN (T.): Petrosian's Legacy.
Editions Erebouni, USA 1990. 1st English Edn (from Russian, compiled by E.Shektman.) p/b, VG. 123pp., photos, a collection of essays and annotated games, revealing many of his chess secrets, including chapter on his match with Fischer, preface by Kasparov. (A.) £16.00339. PETROSIAN (T.): Weltgeschichte des Schachs. No.26. Tigran Petrosjan.
Hamburg 1963. Red cloth, G. 350 games with a diagram every 5 moves. Without the booklet of notes. £20.002465. PETROSIAN. Shekhtman (E.): The Games of Tigran Petrosian. Vol.1 1942-65. Trans & Ed: K.Neat. With Contributions by Petrosian,Gligoric, Krogius, Tarasov.
Pergamon 1991. 1st Edn. Large hardback, blue glazed boards, VG. 480pp., photos, 1089 games, some annotated by Petrosian, biographical material. (A.) With a bookplate of the ECF collection. A sought after work. £40.002464. PETROSIAN. Shekhtman (E.): The Games of Tigran Petrosian. Vol.2 1966-83. Trans & Ed: K.Neat. With a Contribution by Boris Spassky.
Ishi Press International, 2012. Reprint of 1991 edition. Large p/b, VG. 448pp. 1062 games, some annotated by Petrosian, biographical material, new biographical introduction by Sam Sloan. (A.) £30.001066. PETROSIAN. Vasiliev (V.L.): Tigran Petrosian. His Life and Games. Translated & Edited by M.Basman.
Batsford/RHM 1974. 1st English Edn. VG, d/w. 247pp., photos, 50 games annotated by Petrosian & Suetin. A sought-after work. With a bookplate of the ECF, Golombek collection. £25.004289. PHILIDOR. S.Boffa: Francois Andre Danican Philidor. La Culture Echiqueenne en France et en Angleterre au XVIIIe Siecle.
Moravian Chess (2010). New h/b, pictorial green glazed boards. 260pp. Includes 90 games with brief notes, bibliography, over 150 pages of text on Philidor's life. (A.) £28.003971. PHILIDOR: Allen (George): The Life of Philidor. Musician and Chess-Player. With a Supplementary Essay on Philidor as Chess-Author and Chess-Player by Tassilo von Heydebrand und der Lasa.
NY & Philadelphia, Frederick Leypoldt 1865. (Facsimile reprint by Moravian Chess, Czech Rep.2001) New hardback. pp xii, 156. (No games.) £20.003188. PHILLIPS (A.): Chess: 60 Years on with Caissa and Friends.
Caissa Editions, US 2003. VG. p/b. 144pp., photos, 200 games with brief notes and comments, of which over 100 are Phillips' own games, the remainder of his British contemporaries such as Thomas, Alexander, Golombek, Penrose, Clarke, Barden etc. (A.) With a small label of the ECF, Ravilious collection. £12.002827. PINDAR: Owen Hindle: The Mystery of Edward Pindar. Chess Nomad.
Ostrava, 2005. New p/b. 93pp., illustrations, 38 games, some annotated, including matches with Blackburne, much biographical material, on strong 19th century Russian-born player who spent much time in America, London and Manchester. "Presents facts, hitherto unknown to the chess world, that solve many of the mysteries of Edward Pindar's life." (A.) £10.003871. POLLOCK (W.H.K.): Rowland (Mrs.F.F.) Ed: Pollock Memories: A Collection of Chess Games, Problems &c....by the Late W.H.K.Pollock.
Mrs.F.Rowland, Dublin, 1899. (Moravian Chess facsimile reprint.) New hardback. pp (iv),159,iv. Includes biography, 145 games, endgames and problems. Pollock was a strong Irish player who also played in the US and Canada. £25.002354. PORTISCH (L.) J.Hajtun: (Biography in Russian.)
Moscow, 1977. VG, d/w (worn on spine). 221pp. Numerous annotated games. £10.005712. PORTISCH. E.Gelenczei: Grandmaster Lajos Portisch.
The Chess Player Series No.80. 1968. 1st Edn. p/b, VG. 43pp. Biography and selection of annotated games. With small label of ECF, Pollard collection. Scarce item. £10.001017. PORTISCH. Varnusz (E.): Selected Games of Lajos Portisch.
Batsford 1979. 1st English Edn. VG, d/w. 207pp. 90 annotated games from 1956 to 1976. One of the world's strongest players during the 1960s and 70s. £15.005494. REINFELD: Alex Dunne: Fred Reinfeld. The Man who Taught America Chess, with 282 Games.
McFarland, US 2019. Tall p/b, VG. 194pp., photos, 282 games, some annotated, biography, sections on his chess books and non-chess books, bibliography, indexes. (A.) Widely known as a prolific chess author, Reinfeld was at one time a very strong player ranking just below Fine and Reshevsky in the US. This is the first book on Reinfeld and "covers his remarkable contributions to the chess world, with many of his famous annotations preserved for the modern reader." £35.001313. RESHEVSKY (S.): Reshevsky on Chess.
Chess Review/Pitman, 1948. 1st Edn. A few pencil notes o/w VG (no jacket). 274pp., 2 plates, biography and 110 annotated games. £15.004234. RESHEVSKY. Stephen W.Gordon: Samuel Reshevsky. A Compendium of 1768 Games with Diagrams, Crosstables, Some Annotations, and Indexes.
McFarland, US 2011. (Reprint of 1997 hardback.) Large p/b, VG. 406pp., biography, crosstables, 1768 games from 1917 to 1991(!), some annotated. "The most complete work on Reshevsky" one of the giants of American chess. (A.) £35.0065. RETI. Golombek (H.): Reti's Best Games of Chess.
Bell 1954. 1st Edn. VG (no jacket). 173pp., biography, 70 annotated games, 15 endgame studies. With a bookplate of the ECF, Croker collection. £12.006084. RETI. Golombek (H.): Reti's Best Games of Chess. With a New Introduction by Raymond Keene.
Hardinge Simpole 2008. Reprint of 1954 edition. p/b, VG. 173pp. 70 annotated games. £10.004174. RICHARDSON. J.S.Hilbert: Philip Richardson. The Stormy Petrel of Chess.
Moravian Chess, 2009. New hardback. 146pp. 193 games from 1859 to 1906, many annotated from various contemporary sources, 26 problems and endgames, biography. Richardson was considered one of the strongest players in the United States. (A.) £28.00430. RICHTER. Brinckmann (A.): Kurt Richters beste Partien.
De Gruyter, Berlin, 1939. 1st Edn. Original cream cloth, VG. 120pp. 85 annotated games. A sought-after work. £30.003577. RIZZITANO (J.): Understanding Your Chess.
Gambit 2004. Large p/b, corners slightly bumped o/w VG. 192pp., over 60 annotated games by strong US IM, in which he has reassessed games from his career and presents lessons from them that will be most relevant to club and tournament players. (A.) £12.005872. ROMANOVSKY (Peter): Selected Games Peter Romanovsky. With a Detailed Biography by Sergei Tkachenko.
Elk & Ruby 2021. 1st English Edn. Hardback, fine. 382pp., photos, lengthy biography, 72 games and part games annotated by the author with updated analysis by IM Grigory Bogdanovich. Romanovsky (1892-1964) was Soviet chess champion in 1923 and 1927 (jointly), and one of Soviet chess's greatest teachers, standing at the very foundation of the Soviet Chess School. (A.) £35.005627. RUBINSTEIN. J.Donaldson & N.Minev: The Life & Games of Akiva Rubinstein. Vol.1: Uncrowned King.
Russell Ent., USA 2006. Revised and Expanded 2nd Edition. p/b, VG. 402pp. 492 games, many annotated, with notes translated from top players of pre-World War 1, plus new annotations, also some photos and over 30 crosstables, several indexes. Focuses on the years 1882-1920. (A.) £30.005991. SAMISCH. H.Wieteck: Schach- und Lebenskunstler Friedrich Samisch.
Erich Munster verlag, Nurnberg 1987. 1st Edn. p/b, Fine. 63pp., brief biography, 40 annotated games. A strong German GM particularly active in the 1920s and 30s. £12.002080. SANAKOEV (G.): World Champion at the Third Attempt.
Gambit, 1999. 1st English Edn. p/b. F. 256pp. 59 annotated games of a Correspondence World Champion, including biographical details and general chess wisdom. £12.003296. SCHLECHTER (C.) T.Crain: Schlechter's Chess Games.
Caissa, US 1998. 1st Edn. Hardback, red cloth, VG. 287pp., brief biography, playing record, 811 games. Gives all Schlechter's games found in a decade-long search. It complements the Goldman book on Schlechter. (A.) £30.001895. SCHLECHTER. Verkhovsky: Karl Schlechter. (Biography in Russian.)
Moscow, 1984. 1st Edn. Blue imitation leather, worn on one corner, slightly marked o/w G. 240pp. 202 games, most annotated. £14.005280. SCHMIDT: A.J.Gillam: Paul Felix Schmidt.
Chess Player 2017. Paperback, slightly scuffed on back o/w Fine. 229 pages; 29 cross tables; career record; brief biography; many diagrams and a few illustrations; 254 games and positions from 1931-1971 – all that we could find; many with notes, many by Schmidt; he was one of the strongest players in the world in the early 1940s with a retro-grading over 2600. £20.005395. SEIRAWAN (Y.) T.Karolyi: Legendary Chess Careers: Yasser Seirawan.
Chess Evolution, Poland 2016. 1st Edn. p/b. F. 123pp., photos, good selection of annotated games, interspersed with a lengthy interview with Seirawan. (A.) £15.003214. SHIPLEY. J.S.Hilbert: Walter Penn Shipley. Philadelphia's Friend of Chess.
McFarland, US 2012. Repr. Large p/b. F. 442pp, photos, approx 250 games, most annotated, detailed biography of a leading US chess patron and organizer (1860-1942.) Shipley was crucial to the development of chess in the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. He was a talented player and friend of world champions and contenders. (A.) £30.003157. SHIROV (A.): Fire on Board. Part II: 1997-2004.
Everyman 2005. 1st Edn. Large p/b. Fine. 192pp., further biography and 53 annotated games by one of the most aggresive and inventive players of the modern era. (A.) Scarcer than the first volume. £20.005721. SHORT & TIMMAN. Editor: A.Kulagin: The Way to Linares' Summit.
Olbrich, Wurzburg 1993. 1st Edn. Large heavy p/b, slight creasing to covers otherwise VG. 536pp., many photos at end, 2423 games in all. Includes Short's and Timman's games in the 1991 World Championship cycle 1991-93, these are annotated with informator style notes. Then there are 843 games of Short from 1973-92 and 1480 games of Timman from 1968-92, these are without any notes and arranged by ECO openings. Also 37 games with notes of Short versus Timman up to 1992. Published with assistance of Central Chess Club Moscow. (A.) £22.00560. SIMAGIN. A.Woodger: Vladimir Simagin.
Chess Player, 2000. 1st Edn. p/b. VG. 99pp. Biography, 76 annotated games. (A.) A strong Soviet GM active mainly within the USSR in 1940s to 1960s. £12.005897. SMITH (FM Andrew): Off the Board Chess. The Best Games & Chess Experiences of Andrew Smith (FM)..
Self published, 2021. Large hardback (22 x 30cm). 413pp., coloured photographic endpapers, 153 annotated games, numerous amusing anecdotes. The author was part of the English chess boom of the 1970's and the games are from that period up to 2004, and feature many against well known British players. (A.) £30.004556. SMYSLOV (V.): Smyslov's Best Games. Vol.1 1935-1957. Vol.2 1958-1995. Translated & Edited by Ken Neat.
Moravian, Czech Rep., 2003. 2 volumes, hardbacks, VG. pp 348,456. Includes 10 page section describing his career and approach to chess, full playing record with crosstables, 326 games annotated by Smyslov. (A.) £60.00459. SMYSLOV (V.V.): Ausgewahlte Schachpartien.
Sportverlag Berlin 1954. 1st German Edn. VG. 195pp. 60 annotated games. £7.503544. SMYSLOV (V.V.): Izbrannye partii.
Moscow, 1952. 1st Edn. Original brown cloth. VG. 157pp., brief biography, 60 annotated games. Paper slightly yellowed as usual. LN 3360. Smyslov's first games collection. With bookplate of the ECF collection. £14.001265. SMYSLOV (V.V.): My Best Games of Chess 1935-1957.
Dover 1972. Reprint of 1958 English Edn. p/b, G. 154pp. 67 games. Paper partly yellowed. £9.00260. SMYSLOV (V.V.): My Best Games of Chess 1935-1957. Translated & Edited by P.H.Clarke.
David McKay, NY, (1958). 1st US Edn. VG, d/w (jacket in excellent condition apart from tiny paper loss at top edge, protected in clear removeable sleeve). 154pp, biography, 67 annotated games. Includes a preface by Smyslov, and account of his career and discussion of his style by P.A. Romanovsky. £18.003939. SPASSKY. A.Raetsky & M.Chetverik: Boris Spassky. Master of Initiative.
Everyman 2006. p/b. VG. 160pp., short biography, around 150 games, most of which contain a puzzle and tip for the reader to solve. (A.) £10.00909. SPASSKY. Cafferty (B.): Spassky's 100 Best Games.
Batsford 1972. 1st Edn. Inner hinges weak o/w G, d/w. 255pp., biography, 100 annotated games. £8.00261. SPASSKY. Soltis (A.): The Best Chess Games of Boris Spassky.
Pitman 1973. 1st Edn. Red cloth, G. 288pp. 70 annotated games from 1949 to 1971. Previous owner names on endpaper. £12.00670. SPIELMANN (R.): The Art of Sacrifice in Chess. Translated from the German by J. Du Mont.
Bell, 1935. 1st English Edn. VG, d/w (jacket spine faded and slightly worn at top).. 216pp. 37 of his own annotated games, being examples of various sacrificial themes. £25.004040. SPIELMANN. Edited by Jack Spence: The Chess Career of Rudolf Spielmann Vol.3 1929-1941.
Chess Player, n.d.(1969) p/b. G. (214)pp. 86 games, many annotated by Spielmann. Includes part 2 of Spielmann's philosophy on all aspects of chess. Quite scarce. £15.001858. STAUNTON. D.Levy: Howard Staunton.
Chess Player, 1975. 1st Edn. p/b. VG. 142pp, plus facsimile letter and marriage certificate, 2 plates, mainly biography and letters, plus small selection of annotated games. Scarce. With a small label of the ECF, Pollard collection. £18.0068. STAUNTON. Keene (R.) & R.Coles.: Howard Staunton. The English World Chess Champion.
BCM Quarterly 1975. 1st. p/b, VG. 181pp. 60 annotated games, biography, illustrations. £10.002873. STEIN. Postma (S.H.): Leonid Stein. Biographische Skizze.
Smit Publ. Hengelo, 1985. 1st. p/b. G. 168pp. Playing record, 80 annotated games. £10.002676. STEINITZ: Weltgeschichte des Schachs. No.7. Wilhelm Steinitz.
Wildhagen, Hamburg 1968. Red cloth, VG. 575 games with a diagram every 5 moves. Includes 87pp of text of Steinitz's chess life in German and English. Without the booklet of notes. One of the scarcer volumes in this series. £30.005043. STEINITZ. Edited by C.Devide.: A Memorial to William Steinitz. Containing a Selection of his Games.
G.P.Putnam's, NY & London 1901. MORAVIAN CHESS REPRINT. Hardback, VG. Portrait, pp vii, 99, advert page. Biographical sketch, c.70 annotated games. £14.004328. STEINITZ. Edited by C.Devide.: A Memorial to William Steinitz. Containing a Selection of his Games.
G.P.Putnam's, NY & London 1901. 1st Edn. Original blue cloth, VG. Portrait, pp vii, 99, advert page. Biographical sketch, c.70 annotated games. LN 3198. £80.001270. STEINITZ. Edited by C.Devide.: William Steinitz Selected Games.
Dover 1974. Reprint of 1901 edition, expanded with 6 extra games, expanded tournament record and new preface by D.Hooper. p/b, creases to front cover, pen numbers to games, a few pen notes. 109pp., c.70 games. £7.003207. STEINITZ. K.Landsberger: William Steinitz, Chess Champion. A Biography of the Bohemian Caesar. Games Selected & Annotated by GM Andy Soltis. Chess Consultant Ken Whyld.
McFarland, US 2006. Reprint of 1993 hardback. p/b. F. 487pp., photos, 15 annotated games, large detailed biography. (A.) £30.002352. SUETIN (A.): (Biography in Russian.)
Minsk 1969. Small hardback, VG. 285pp. 100 annotated games or part-games. Paper a bit yellowed. £10.002346. SULTAN KHAN. Coles (R.N.): Mir Sultan Khan.
BCM Quarterly No.10. 1965. 1st Edn. p/b, VG. 92pp., biography, tournament record, 60 annotated games. (A.) With a bookplate of the ECF, Croker collection. £10.00344. SZABO (L.): My Best Games of Chess.
Pergamon 1986. 1st English Edn. Large format hardback, VG. 209pp., biography, playing record, 124 games, most annotated. (A.) With a bookplate of the ECF, Rumsey collection. £16.00464. TAIMANOV (M.): Taimanov's Selected Games. Trans & Ed: K.Neat.
Cadogan 1995. 1st English Edn. Large p/b, VG. 198pp. 60 annotated games grouped by strategical motif and revealing his personal approach to chess. (A.) £14.00133. TAL.: Weltgeschichte des Schachs. No.25. Michail Tal.
Wildhagen, Hamburg 1961. Red cloth, VG. 419 games with a diagram every 5 moves. With the booklet of notes. With a bookplate of the ECF collection. £20.005638. TAL. Hajtun (J.): Selected Games of Mikhail Tal.
Dover 1975. Repr. p/b, small crease to front cover o/w VG. 145pp. 64 best games annotated by a Hungarian Master, photos. £7.00342. TAL. Hajtun (J.): Selected Games of Mikhail Tal.
Pitman 1961. 1st Edn. VG. 145pp. 64 best games annotated by a Hungarian Master, photos. £10.002100. TAL. J.Gallagher: The Magic of Mikhail Tal.
Everyman 2001. Repr. p/b, very light waterstain through lower edge o/w G. 224pp., biography, 34 annotated games from the period 1975-1992, plus a few earlier games. (A.) £9.00196. TAL. Liepnieks (A.): The Chess Psychologist World Champion Tal.
Ishi Press 2012. Reprint of 1961 edition with a new introduction by Sam Sloan. p/b, VG. Portrait, 172pp. 60 games with notes, short biography. £12.0072. TARRASCH. Reinfeld (F.): Tarrasch's Best Games of Chess.
Chatto & Windus 1947. 1st Edn. VG. 385pp., portrait, brief biography & playing record, 183 annotated games. One of the best collections of Tarrasch's games. With a bookplate of the ECF, Golombek collection. £14.00289. TARTAKOWER (S.G.): My Best Games of Chess 1905-1930. Trans & Ed: H.Golombek.
Bell, 1953. 1st Edn. VG with a VG classic Bell jacket. 250pp. 101 annotated games enlivened with personal comments on the history and leading figures of the chess world of the period. A sought-after work. With a bookplate of the ECF, Golombek collection. £25.001441. TARTAKOWER (S.G.): My Best Games of Chess 1931-1954. Translated and Edited by H.Golombek.
Bell, 1956. 1st Edn. VG, with a VG classic Bell jacket. 197pp. 100 annotated games. With a bookplate of the ECF, Golombek collection. £30.002217. TEICHMANN. Edited by J.L.Spence: The Chess Career of Richard Teichmann 1892-1924.
Chess Player, 1970. p/b, VG. 152pp., biography, playing record, 92 lightly annotated games. With a small label of the ECF, Pollard collection. £15.002394. TEICHMANN. J.Spence: The Chess Career of Richard Teichmann. Revised Edition Edited by A.J.Gillam.
Chess Player, 1995. p/b. VG. 79pp., biography, playing record, 142 lightly annotated games. Greatly enlarged from the 1st Edn. £16.001624. THOMAS (A.R.B.): Chess for the Love of It.
Routledge, Kegan Paul, 1973. 1st Edn. p/b. G. 82pp. Reminiscences of the author (many times West of England and Devon Champion), and a selection of his games. £9.00963. TIMMAN (J.): Studies and Games.
Cadogan 1996. 1st English Edn of 1983 work. p/b. VG. 192pp. (A.) A selection of Timman's memorable games against top GMs, along with anecdotes and some of his studies. £10.003318. TIMMAN. V.Ravikumar: Timman's Selected Games.
(Appears to be self-published), Madras, India n.d.(c.1986) p/b, VG. 188pp., brief biography, 91 annotated games, majority from 1981-86. (A.) Scarce. £15.003215. WHITAKER. J.S.Hilbert: Shady Side: The Life and Crimes of Norman Tweed Whitaker, Chessmaster.
Caissa Editions, US 2000. Red cloth hardback, some pen notes on endpaper o/w VG in d/w. 481pp, photos, 570 games, some annotated, very detailed biography of the colourful and turbulent life of this strong US player. (A.) £40.00803. YANOFSKY (D.A): Chess the Hard Way!
Pitman 1953. 1st Edn. VG, d/w. 149pp. Some 50 annotated games and biography. With a bookplate on endpaper. Scarce. £28.004354. YATES (F.D.): 101 of My Best Games of Chess. A Posthumous Work Arranged and Completed by W.Winter. Edited by W.H.Watts.
Printing-Craft 1934. (Moravian Chess facsimile reprint.) Hardback, as new. Portrait on cover, 181pp. Includes biography, tournament record and appreciations by Em.Lasker, Marshall and others. The first edition is scarce and expensive. £25.00369. YOUNG (F.K.): Field Book of Chess Generalship. Grand Operations.
Putnam's, New York & London, 1923. 1st Edn. Original maroon cloth, spine and part of front cover a bit faded, possibly a label removed from endpaper otherwise good. pp xxviii,244. Includes 46 games, most by Young himself, and 8 games of A.B.Hodges, U.S.Champion. Young was a leading Boston player who applied a military approach to the game and produced some of the most eccentric works on chess. LN1404. £35.003134. ZEMGALIS. J.Donaldson: Elmars Zemgalis. Grandmaster without the Title.
Pomeranian, US 2001. 1st Edn. p/b, slight creasing to front cover o/w G. 160pp. 190 games, some annotated, photos, results, biography of this Latvian player who had his best results while in Germany from 1946 to 1951. (A.) Scarce item. £18.00