RETURN TO HOME PAGE Tony Peterson, 15 Harbour View Park, Rope Walk, Littlehampton, West Sussex, BN17 5DQ, UK. Tel: 01903 730371. email: tony@chessbooks.co.uk £0.004658. ----: FIDE ALBUM 1977-1979 (Two-movers, Three-Movers, More-movers, Fairy Chess, Studies.)
Zagreb 1984. p/b, G. 199pp. 800 problems & studies, index of themes & composers. £12.005467. ----: Jaarboek van de Nederlandse Bond van Probleemvrienden.
1974, 1975, 1980. VG. Each one £6.005468. ----: Jubileumboek 1931-1981. Nederlandse Bond van Schaakprobleemvrienden.
VG. 48pp. £10.003608. -----: FIDE ALBUM 1980 - 1982 (Two-movers, Three-Movers, More-movers, Fairy Chess, Studies.)
Zagreb 1988. p/b, VG. 431pp. 1083 problems & studies, index of themes & composers. £18.005633. -----: Jaarboek 1958 van de Nederlandse Bond van Probleemvrienden.
1958. p/b, VG. 44pp. Various chapters with numerous problems. £8.00859. Andrade (B.J.da C.): Andradiana. 256 Selected Chess Problems...with Solutions; his Favourite Quotations about the Problem Art.
Chess, S.C. 1961. 1st Edn. G. 81pp. 256 of the author's problems, published posthumously. With a bookplate of the ECF collection. £15.002713. Archakov (V.M.): Grossmeisterskie kompozicii.
Kiev, 1985. 1st. p/b. VG. 192pp. 509 problems from all eras. £8.005598. Archakov (V.M.): Na Malenkom Shakhmatnom Dole.
Sverdlovsk, 1983. Hardback, G. 143pp. 264 problems. Features the work of 3 Urals composers, the veteran A.G.Kopnin, V.F.Udartsev and the author himself, plus a very useful summary of current 2-move themes. (from The Problemist review, Nov.1984.) £8.002715. Archakov (V.M.): Shakhmatnaja kompozicija na Ukraine.
Kiev, 1986. 1st. p/b. G. 167pp. 509 problems by various Ukrainian composers mainly from the 1970's & 1980's. £8.005592. Archakov (V.M.): Shakhmatnaya Mozaika.
Kiev, 1984. p/b, G. 133pp. 390 problems. All kinds of problems, including a section on symbol problems. £7.002591. Archakov (V.M.): V mire Shakhmatnoy kompozicii.
Volgograd 1980. 1st Edn. p/b. VG. 191pp. 242 problems by various composers mainly from the 1960's & 70's. £8.005597. Archakov (V.M.) & E.J.Gik: Shakhmatny Kvartety.
Kiev, 1983. Small p/b, G. 184pp. 444 problems and studies all with 4 pieces only, systematically arranged by material. For a Soviet book it is remarkable in being the first contribution to the literature of Wenigsteiners, and for the quantity of helpmates and series problems quoted. (from Problemist Review, Nov.1984). £7.001085. Averbakh (Y.): Queen and Pawn Endings. Trans: K.P.Neat.
Batsford 1975. 1st English Edn. VG (no d/w.) 137pp. Includes many studies. The second volume of Averbakh's classic endgame series. £10.004148. Averbakh (Y.), V.Chekhover & V.Henkin: Queen v. Rook / Minor Piece Endings. Trans: K.P.Neat.
Batsford 1978. 1st English Edn. VG,d/w (jacket lettering faded on spine). 174pp. Includes many studies. The seventh volume of Averbakh's classic endgame series. £10.005382. Bakcsi (G.): Ungarische Schachproblem Anthologie.
Corvina Kiado 1983. 1st German Edn. p/b, G. 350pp. 767 problems. Includes history of Hungarian chess composition from 1938 and the choicest problems. £15.004458. Bakcsi (G.) Ed: Uj Magyar Sakkfeladvany Antologia.
Sport Budapest 1979. G. 343pp., photos, 682 problems of Hungarian composers. Includes history of Hungarian chess composition from 1938 and the choicest problems. £14.005566. Ban (J.) Editor: 1st International Tungsram Cup Chess Problem Competition 1978.
Hungarian Chess Federation, 1978. p/b. VG. 32pp., 57 problems. £7.005411. Baumgartner (G.): Faszinierendes Schachproblem. Kompositionen von I.A.Schiffmann.
The author, Heidelberg (1963). 1st Edn. p/b, light foxing to covers o/w G. 72pp., at least 109 problems from 1920's, with solutions and commentary. £10.005434. Beasley (John): More Flights of Chess Fancy.
SNZZ, Brno 2000. 1st Edn. p/b. 28pp., 25 of the author's own varied problems. There is parallel text in English and Czech, the latter translated by Michal Dragoun. (A.) £8.005590. Belcikov (N.I.), V.E.Gebelt & E.I.Dvizov: Shakhmatnaja Kompozicija v Belorussi.
Minsk, 1981. p/b. VG. 143pp. 462 problems. £7.004719. Binnewirtz (R.J.): Ado Kraemer. Eine Biographische Skizze mit Zahlreichen Zugaben.
Nightrider, Germany 2012. New p/b. 288pp., illus., 261 problems, all known games, biography, various articles. Kraemer was a famous problem composer of the Logical New German problem school. Introduction in English, remainder in German. £24.004968. Blumenthal (O.): Schachminiaturen. Eine Problemsammlung. Erster Teil. Zweite Auflage.
Berlin & Leipzig 1921. Original printed wrappers, page edges partly unopened, paper loss at head and foot of spine o/w G. pp viii,147. 360 problems by various composers. LN 2552. £24.004882. Bondarenko (F.S.): Razvintne shakhmatnogo etyuda.
Kiev, 1982. p/b. G. 232pp. 394 studies. £7.00470. Bondarenko (F.S.): Sovremennye shakhmatnye etyud.
Kiev 1987. p/b. VG. 176pp. 378 studies. £8.003690. Bondarenko (F.S.): Triumf sovetskogo sachmatnogo etjuda.
Kiev, 1984. 1st. p/b. G. 173pp. 352 endgame studies by Soviet composers from 1925-44. £7.00969. Bouwmeester (H.): Modern End-Game Studies for the Chessplayer. Trans & Ed: H.Golombek.
Bell 1959. 1st English Edn. Back cover slightly bowed otherwise VG.128pp. 101 studies (25 more than the Dutch edn.) £9.005702. Chandler (G.W.), C.R.Flood & R.C.O.Matthews: A Tribute to G.F.Anderson.
British Chess Problem Society, (1974). Large p/b, G. 18pp.112 of Anderson's best problems of various types. £14.001388. Christmas Series No.10. White (A.C.): The White Rooks.
Stroud 1910. Red cloth, VG. 210pp. Over 270 problems. Without Christmas slip. Presentation inscription to Torquay Chess Club from The President, E. J. Winter-Wood, 1918. Christmas Series No.10. £70.00214. Christmas Series No.11. White (A.C.): More White Rooks.
Stroud 1911. Original purple cloth, nice copy. 220pp. 400 problems. Without Christmas slip. Christmas Series No.11. £65.003489. Christmas Series No.24. Heathcote (G.): Chess Idylls. A Collection of Problems by Godfrey Heathcote. Edited by M.Marble, A.C.White & G.Hume.
Stroud, 1918. Original dark red cloth, VG. 299pp. 300 problems, lengthly introduction, notes and prize list. Without Christmas slip. With a label of the BCPS to endpaper and a gift inscription. Christmas Series No.24. £90.00215. Christmas Series No.26. Sim (M.) G.Hume & A.C.White.: D.J.Densmore and the Densmore Memorial Tourney 1918.
Stroud 1920. Red cloth, some fading and marking to spine and covers o/w G. 2 portraits. 239pp., biography of Densmore, review of his work, 50 of his problems, and 85 from the Memorial tourney. With Christmas slip. Christmas Series No.26. £60.00217. Christmas Series No.31. Hume (G.): Changing Fashions: 150 Chess Problems. Ed: A.C.White.
Stroud 1925. Red cloth, tiny nick on spine o/w G. Portrait, 208pp. 151 main problems, short story by Hume. With Merry Christmas slip. Christmas Series No.31. £50.001291. Christmas Series No.32. Weenink (H.): The Chess Problem. Edited by G.Hume & A.C.White.
Stroud 1926. Large 8vo, red cloth, spine colour faded otherwise good. 316,(1)pp. A classic work including the historical development of the chess problem, birds-eye view of problems themes, full index of composers with Birth-year Register, 30 rare photographs, 374 problems. Without Merry Christmas slip. Christmas Series No.32. £75.002349. Christmas Series No.39. White (A.C.): Problems by My Friends. Ed: George Hume & L.H.Jokisch.
Stroud, 1931. Red cloth, spine slightly faded o/w VG. Ex-libris bookplate on endpaper. Several portraits of problemists, 251pp. 185 problems all contributed as part of a world-wide tribute to A.C.White on his 50th birthday. With Merry Christmas slip. Christmas Series No.39. £70.001860. Christmas Series No.41. Keeble (J.): An English Bohemian: A Tribute to B.G.Laws. Edited by G.Hume.
Stroud, 1933. Red cloth, 1933 written in black at foot of spine o/w VG. 176pp., biography of Laws, 113 problems. With Merry Christmas slip. Christmas Series No.41. £60.004632. Dickins (A.): A Short History of Fairy Chess.
A.S.M.Dickins, Surrey 1975. Large p/b, stapled, G. 10 pages with double-column text. Revised and expanded summary of three lectures given to the British Chess Problem Society on April 6, 1972, April 7, 1972 and April 26, 1974. Limited to 250 copies. Includes many references to chess problem literature. £25.005244. Dombrovskis (A.): Saha Kompozicija Padomju Latvija.
Riga 1961. 1st Edn. Red hardback boards, VG. 158pp., 441 problems. Possibly signed by author on endpaper. £12.002714. Ejvazova (Z.E.): Korolevy shakhmatnoi kompozicii.
Baku 1986. 1st Edn. Covers a little spotted o/w G. 235pp. 350 problems by various female composers, with commentary. £8.002345. Goldschmeding (Drs.C.): Probleemcomponisten.
Nederlandse Bond van Probleemvrienden, 1976. p/b. VG. 47pp. 89 problems. £9.005565. Grand (P. le), J.C.M. & H.Schogt: 60 Componisten in 60 Jaar.
Van Spijk, Venlo, 1991. p/b, G. 36pp., 60 problems from 1931 to 1990. £7.005413. Grasemann (H.): Problem Juwelen. Auslese 1958-1962.
Engelhardt, Berlin (1964). 1st Edn. p/b, G. 115pp., 265 problems with solutions and commentary. £8.003567. Greif (M.) Ed: 200 Classic Chess Puzzles.
Sterling, NY 1993. 1st. p/b. G. 143pp., mainly mate in 3 to 4 move positions, sources not named. £6.002071. Gurvich (A.S.): Etyudy.
Moscow, 1961. 1st Edn. G. 190pp. 70 of his studies, a long essay on the art of studies, and a further 69 examples. £12.005412. Henneberger (H.): Kunstschach in der Schweiz. Schachprobleme und Studien Schweizerischer Komponisten von 1966-1976.
Schweizer Kunstschachfreunde, 1980. 1st Edn. p/b, G. 154pp. 266 problems and studies. £10.00535. Herbstman (A.O.): De Schaakstudie in Onze Dagen.
Lochem: De Tijdstroom, n.d.(1948). 1st Dutch Edn (translated from the 1937 Russian work.) Roy8vo. VG,d/w (slightly torn at head and foot), tape marks on endpapers. 171pp., 204 endgame studies. LN 2286. (With an 8pp index & errata in facsimile.) £20.001125. Herbstman (A.O.): Schaakpartij en Compositie.
Lochem, n.d.(1948) 1st Dutch Edn (translated from the Russian 1930 work.) Original wrappers. VG. 55pp., endgame studies and game positions. LN 2732. £18.00895. Howard (K.S.): Classic Chess Problems by Pioneer Composers.
Dover 1970. 1st. p/b, some creases to covers o/w VG. 109pp. Includes sections on Loyd, Alain White, Klett, Shinkman, Havel, Kohtz, Heathcote etc. 155 problems. £8.001065. Kasparian (G.M.): 555 Etyudov-miniatyur.
Erevan, 1975. 1st Edn. G. 307pp. 555 endgame studies by various composers from all eras. £15.002588. Kasparian (G.M.): Etyudy.
Moscow, 1972. 1st Edn. p/b, back cover corner torn, wear foot of spine o/w G. 198pp. 269 endgame studies by Kasparian from 1928-1970. £8.002070. Kasparian (G.M.): Pozitsionnay Nichaya.
Moscow, 1962. p/b. G. 104pp. 214 endgame studies by Kasparian and others. £7.002711. Kasparian (G.M.): Zamechatelny etyudy.
Erevan 1982. 1st Edn. Cloth-backed boards, VG. Most pages yellowed. 328pp. 1062 endgame studies by various composers. £10.005420. Kieboom (B.): 300 Schaak Problemen van Jac. Haring.
Spectrum, Utrecht / Antwerp 1984. 1st Edn. p/b. VG. 140pp. Includes solutions and commentary. £8.002143. Klett (Ph.): Schachprobleme. Mit einer Einfuhrung in die Theorie des Schachproblems.
Veit, Leipzig 1878. 1st Edn. Contemporary black half leather, very rubbed, otherwise good. pp (vi), 227. 112 of Klett's problems. With a stamp of the British Chess Problem Society to title-page, old chess club label on endpaper. LN 2438. A leading exponent of the so-called Old German style of the problem art. £70.001292. Klett (Philipp.): A Selection of Chess Problems. With a Solving Commentary by J.D.Beasley.
BCM 1978. Limited Edn. p/b. VG. 48pp. 51 problems. With a small label of the ECF, Ravilious collection. £8.00931. Kluver (H.): Erich Brunner. Ein Kunstler und Deuter des Schachproblems.
Berlin 1958. 1st Edn. VG. 200pp., portrait, biography and 300 problems. £15.001850. Kluver (H.): Faschingsschach der Welt.
Berlin, n.d.(1963) 1st. p/b. VG. 40pp. 44 problems, studies and a few games, with commentary. £8.004893. Kofman (R.) & E.Umnov: Shakhmatnych Zadach.
Moscow 1951. 1st Edn. Cloth-backed boards, one edge bumped o/w G. 342pp. Paper yellowed. Several hundred problems. £14.002716. Kofman (R.M.) Ed: Izbrannye kompozicii: A.Grin, A.Dombrovskis, R.Kofman, Al.Kuznecov, A.Popandopulo.
Moscow 1985. 1st Edn. p/b. G. 368pp. Over 100 problems of each composer, with commentaries. £10.005472. Kofman (R.M.) Ed:: Shakmatnaja kompozicija 1974-1976.
Moscow 1978. p/b. G. 224pp. 362 problems. £6.00615. Korn (W.): American Chess Art. 250 Portraits of Endgame Study.
Pitman 1975. 1st UK Edn. VG, with d/w (worn on edges). 384pp. A major work on the subject. £16.002193. Kotrc (J.) & K.Traxler: Schachprobleme aus den Jahren 1884-1910.
Published by the authors, Wien 1910. 1st Edn. Original brown cloth. G. 2 portraits, 46pp introduction, 110 problems of Kotrc, 137 of Traxler (two well-known Czech problemists), solutions, list of subscribers (89 copies.) With a problem solving prize label on endpaper. LN 2605. £60.004761. Kraemer & Zepler: Im Banne des Schachproblems. Ausgewahlte Schachaufgaben und Studien.
De Gruyter 1951. 1st Edn. p/b, wear on back cover, paper yellowed o/w G. 158pp. 198 problems and studies. LN 2958. £12.00858. Lommer (H.M.): 1357 End-Game Studies. The Best Chess Compositions 1935-1973.
Pitman, 1975. 1st Edn. VG, d/w (jacket spine a bit faded). 234pp. The studies are classified by pieces, with index of names and sources. With a bookplate of the ECF, Golombek collection. £20.00114. Mansfield (C.) & B.Harley.: The Modern Two-Move Chess Problem.
Museum Press 1958. 1st Edn. G. 157pp. 101 problems by Mansfield with introduction and commentary by Harley. £10.00536. Marwitz (J.H.) & C.J.de Feijter: De Eindspelstudie.
Lochem: De Tijdstroom (1948). 1st Edn. Roy8vo, VG,d/w. 95pp. 100 selected endgame studies. LN 2344. £20.003479. Melnichenko (V.A.): Mastera Shakmatnoi Kompozitsii.
Kiev 1984. 1st Edn. p/b. G. 150pp. 445 problems of various Ukrainian composers. £7.004725. Miles (J.A.): Poems and Chess Problems.
The Author, Fakenham, Norfolk 1882. 1st Edn. Original red cloth, spine slightly faded, a good copy. Frontispiece diagram, pp (iv),116, including 50 problems, selection of poems (only a few on chess), list of subscribers, errarta. LN 2465. £100.00892. Morse (J.): Chess Problems: Tasks and Records.
Faber 1995. 1st Edn. Large p/b. VG. 381pp. 837 mainly two-move problems, a systematic treatment of records, longer and less orthodox problems, length records etc., by some 350 different composers. (A.) With a bookplate of the ECF, Jordan collection. £20.00393. Murkisch (G.): Ratselvolle Schachaufgaben.
Heyne 1980. 1st Edn. p/b, front cover creased o/w G. 224pp. 300 problems from all periods, 2 move, 3 move, 4+move etc. An inscription on front endpaper. £6.005481. Myllyniemi (M.): Toteutuneita Oivalluksia.
1980. 1st Edn. p/b, stapled, G. 87pp. 300 problems with theme of Realised Perceptions. Finnish text, German notation. £7.002583. Nadareishvili (G.A.): Izbrannye etyudy.
Tbilisi 1970. 1st Edn. G, d/w (torn at head of spine). Portrait, 332pp. About 230 studies, 100 by the author. Includes preface by Botvinnik. GM for chess compositions. £16.002586. Nadareishvili (G.A.): Izbrannye shakhmatny etyudy.
Moscow 1976. 1st Edn. p/b, spine worn with some paper loss, internally good. 103pp. 125 studies by the author, plus appendix on the endgame Q v one or two pieces. GM for chess compositions. £6.001933. Nanning (F.W.) & A.M.Koldijk.: Thema-Boek.
Nederlandse Bond van Probleemvrienden, 1948. 1st Edn. p/b, spine missing, with plastic covering. 160pp. Over 300 problems arranged by themes. Previous owner pen and pencil notes, including added diagram. LN 2929. £10.005701. Niemeijer (Dr. M.): Posthume hulde 60 schaakproblemen van Mr. J. Albarda.
Broek in Waterland, 1986. p/b, VG. 30pp., 60 problems with solutions and comments at end. £8.005655. Niemeijer (Dr. M.): Vierspan.
Wassenaar 1985. p/b, VG. 56pp., 36 problems each of four composers - J.J.Burbach, C.Groeneveld, W.Hoek, and W.J.G.Mees. £9.004899. Niemeijer (Dr.M.): Adversaria. Scaccariana.
Wassenaar 1975. p/b. VG. 32pp. 20 problems, many miscellaneous chess notes and quotes. £8.001924. Niemeijer (Dr.M.): Boerenschroom.
(Wassenaar, 1965.) 1st Edn. p/b. VG. 47pp. 160 problems by various composers. £9.001923. Niemeijer (Dr.M.): Majesteitsschennis.
Wassenaar, 1971. 1st Edn. p/b, G. 63pp. 120 problems by various composers. £9.004898. Niemeijer (Dr.M.): Miscellanea Caissana.
Wassenaar 1977. p/b. VG. 39pp., around 200 problems by various composers, article on Bibliotheca Van der Linde-Niemeijeriana. £10.002710. Niemeijer (Dr.M.): The Danish Wizard. One Hundred Chess Problems of Knud Harald Hannemann.
Wassenaar, 1963. 1st. p/b. VG. 59pp. 100 problems with commentary. £12.002704. Niemeijer (Dr.M.): Zo Sprak Wolfgang Pauly.
Wassenaar, 1948. 1st Edn. p/b, spotting to covers o/w G. 128pp. Over 170 problems, with commentary. LN 2930. £15.004135. Niemeijer (M.): Nederland in Miniatuur.
Wassenaar 1972. p/b. VG. 36pp. 136 problems by Dutch composers. From library of Gerd Meyer. £10.00367. Nunn (J.): Solving in Style.
Allen & Unwin 1985. 1st Edn. VG,d/w. 238pp. "Designed to bridge the gap between over-the-board players and composers of chess problems and studies." (A.) £14.005241. Palatz, Massmann, Speckmann & Fabel: Kleinkunst im Schachproblem. Ausgewahlte Miniaturen.
W.Rau, Dusseldorf 1963. 1st Edn. p/b, G. 64pp., 182 problems. £7.005885. Pospisil (Josef): Dr. Jan Dobrusky. Sachove Ulohy.
Praha 1907. 1st Edn. Plain dark green cloth, G. Portrait of Dobrusky, 151pp., brief biography, 244 problems.Some yellowing of paper. LN 2578. With two stamps of the British Chess Problem Society. £40.005976. Pospisil (Josef): Sachove Ulohy 1908-1916 (Ceske Melodie II.) Vydal Dr. Zdenek Mach.
Praha 1917. Small p/b, good. 23pp., brief biography, 41 problems. LN 2593. This is a supplement to the Christmas Series No.6 Ceske Melodie. Scarce item. £25.00472. Rice (J.M.), M.Lipton & B.Barnes.: The Two-Move Chess Problem. Tradition and Development. Some Essays on Selected Two-Move Themes.
Faber 1966. 1st Edn. VG, d/w. 206pp. Includes 355 problems. £15.001377. Rowland (T.B. & F.F.): Chess Fruits: A Selection of Direct Mate, Self-Mate, Picture and Letter Problems, Poems, and Humourous Sketches... Popular Games by Leading Players and others of General Interest.
The Authors, Dublin, 1884. 1st Edn. Original red cloth with black ruling and lettering, slight wear to head and foot of spine, two dark marks on front cover with small loss of cloth (c.1 x 2cm) otherwise a good copy. pp 172, (4) adverts. Includes a list of subscribers. With a stamp of the British Chess Problem Society on title-page. LN 2463. £80.00860. Roycroft (A.J.): Test Tube Chess. A Comprehensive Introduction to the Chess Endgame Study.
Faber 1972. 1st Edn. VG, d/w. 370pp. Includes 433 studies by numerous composers. £16.006080. Roycroft (A.J.) & K.L.Thompson: Queen and Pawn on a2 against Queen.
Chess Endgame Consultants and Publishers, 1986. Large format p/b, covers slightly creased o/w VG. 8pp. 3 examples showing the maximum length of an optimal win is 17 moves by white. The first of Roycroft's 5-Man Chess Endgame Series. With a bookplate of the ECF collection. £8.005440. Rudenko (V.F.): Presledovanie temy.
Moscow 1983. p/b. G. 432pp. 1162 problems from the 1950s to 80s. Includes an extract from The Problemist review - "The magnum opus of the world's most successful composer. Includes a thorough introduction to chess problems, and 700 of his own problems." £8.00394. Siehndel (K-H) & others.: Problemschach. 407 Aufgaben und Studien.
Berlin 1985. 2nd Edn. VG,d/w. 252pp. Includes 320 problems with solutions and commentary. £7.50630. Taverner (T.): Chess Problems Made Easy. How to Solve, How to Compose.
Daily News Ltd. n.d.(1924) 1st Edn. p/b, some paper missing from spine, top cover nearly detached, with several ink stamps of Hampstead Chess Club on endpapers, and a few ink numbers here and there. 92pp. 250 problems, half by Taverner and half by various composers with solutions at end. With a small label of the ECF, Ravilious collection. £10.00963. TIMMAN (J.): Studies and Games.
Cadogan 1996. 1st English Edn of 1983 work. p/b. VG. 192pp. (A.) A selection of Timman's memorable games against top GMs, along with anecdotes and some of his studies. £10.00619. Troitzky (A.A.): Collection of Chess Studies.
Whitehead & Miller, Leeds 1937. 1st English Edn. Original blue cloth, G. Portrait, 264pp. 360 endgame studies, plus a supplement on the Theory of Two Knights Against Pawns, his most important contribution to the game. With two ink stamps of Sevenoaks chess club, and a presentation stamp in memory of their President. A classic work. £25.005410. Umnov (E.I.): Schachkompositionen. Ein Vergleich Zwischen Problem, Studie und Partie.
W.Rau, 1961. 1st German Edn. p/b, VG. 88pp. £7.002581. Umnov (E.I.): Shakhmatnaja Zadacha XX Veka: 1901-1944.
Moscow 1966. 1st Edn. p/b, back cover torn with some loss o/w G. 176pp. 375 problems of famous composers. £6.002582. Umnov (E.I.): Sovremennaja Shakhmatnaja Zadacha.
Moscow 1967. 1st Edn. p/b, light spotting on front cover o/w G. 199pp. 375 problems from 1940's to 60's. £6.004136. Visserman (E.): 64 Nederlandse Componisten in 1964. Personalia en Problemen.
Nederlandse Bond van Probleemvrienden, 's-Gravenhage 1964. p/b, a little creased o/w G. 55pp. 148 problems of various Dutch composers. £8.002703. Visserman (E.): Schaakproblemen van Ele Visserman.
Nederlandse Bond van Schaakprobleemvrienden, 's-Gravenhage 1986. p/b. G. 126pp. 313 problems. £9.00921. Wallis (E.): 777 Chess Miniatures in Three. Introduction by P.H.Williams and Hints to Solvers by A.N.Brayshaw.
E.Wallis, Scarborough (1908). 1st Edn. Narrow 8vo, original light brown cloth, VG. pp (xl),272. Text in English, French and German. LN 2590. £30.005977. Wenman (P.): Fifty Two-Move Problems.
Leeds, 1944. 5th Edn. p/b. G. 28pp. £7.001490. Wenman (P.): One Hundred Published Problems.
Leeds, 1944. 1st Edn. p/b. G. 32pp. £7.002459. Whitaker (N.T.) & G.E.Hartleb: 365 Selected Endings. 365 Ausgewahlte Endspiele. With Bibliography of Endgame Books.
Heidelberg, 1960. 1st Edn. in English and German. p/b, G. Most from named studies, with solutions at end and bibliography of 300 books. Scarce title. £14.002628. White (A.C.): Sam Loyd and his Chess Problems.
Dover 1962 (Reprint of 1913 edn., with corrections) p/b, VG. Portrait, 471pp. Biography, 744 of Loyd's problems. Loyd was the father of the American chess problem and a foremost puzzle creator. £16.001290. Whitworth (T.G.): Mattison's Chess Endgame Studies. Introduction by A.Hildebrand.
BCM Quarterly No.23, 1987. 1st Edn. p/b. F. 79pp. 60 studies and 6 games by the famous Latvian composer and player. (A.) £12.003109. Williams (P.H.): The Modern Chess Problem.
Routledge (1903). 1st Edn. Original purple cloth, gilt, gilt on spine a bit faded and wear to head and foot o/w G. Portrait, (viii),252pp. Sections on solving and composing, and 100 problems (half two-movers.) With an inscription from composer W.H.Thompson. LN 2566. £20.002589. Zelepukin (N.P.): Slovar Shakhmatnoy Kompozicii.
Kiev 1982. 1st Edn. VG. 206pp. A dictionary of problems, studies, composers etc. £6.00