RETURN TO HOME PAGE Tony Peterson, 15 Harbour View Park, Rope Walk, Littlehampton, West Sussex, BN17 5DQ, UK. Tel: 01903 730371. email: tony@chessbooks.co.uk £0.00

4618. ----: My previous printed chess book catalogues (from about 1998 to 2012):

- I have a very small number of the following printed catalogues available at £1.00 each: 69,68,67,66,64,63,61,58,55,54,52,50,44,42,40,38,35 (Antiquarian),32,31,30,29,28,26,25,24,22, 21,20. A few catalogues may have some small pen marks. These catalogues might be of bibliographical interest. £0.00

5362. -----: Owner's Manual Instruction Booklet. Model VSC Voice Sensory Chess Challenger.

Fidelity Electronics, Florida. (c.1980) Oblong booklet, VG. 30pp. £7.00

2673. 1857 NEW YORK. D.W.Fiske: The Book of the First American Chess Congress...in 1857.

Olms, Zurich 1985 (Reprint of NY 1859 First Edition.) VG, d/w. 563pp. Includes the 67 games of the tournament - 1.Morphy, 2 Paulsen, 53 problems from the Problem Tourney, a wealth of historical information, particularly on American chess, articles on Morphy, Benjamin Franklin, the chess automaton in America, a bibliography of chess literature published in the United States up to 1859. £30.00

1220. 1936 NOTTINGHAM. Ed: W.H.Watts.: Chess Pie No.3. The Official Souvenir of the International Tournament.

BCF/Printing-Craft (1936.) 4to (8.5 x 11in.) original wrappers, with coloured illustration on front, spine and back cover torn with some loss, otherwise a good copy of a scarce item. 98pp., including fine photographic portraits, chessmen, page of facsimile autographs, details of the players and selected games, various articles, advert pages. Published prior to the tournament. LN 5538. With a label of the ECF, Golombek collection on front cover. £50.00

435. 1993 KASPAROV-SHORT. Lawson (D.): The Inner Game.

Macmillan 1993. 1st Edn. VG, d/w. 249pp. The inside story of the 1993 Kasparov-Short match written in an incisive and entertaining style by a close friend of Short. 20 games without notes at end. £8.00

1190. Agterdenbos (F.): 64 Schaakportretten.

Venlo 1984. Large format p/b (21 x 26cm), VG. 64 life-size facial photographic portraits of famous players taken in the early 1980s, with Dutch text and selected game opposite. £15.00

221. Assiac. (H.Fraenkel.): The Delights of Chess. With Drawings by Vicky.

MacGibbon & Kee 1960. 1st Edn. VG,d/w (jacket faded on spine as usual). 268pp. An anthology of games and anecdotes, including on famous players and a number of British players such as Alexander, Clarke, Golombek, Penrose, Barden. £10.00

3077. Avery (B.D.): Correspondence Chess in America.

McFarland, US 2000. 1st Edition. Green hardback, VG. 278pp. 233 games, some annotated. A detailed chronological account. (A.) With a small label of the ECF, Ravilious collection. £35.00

975. Behrends (R.): Kunstlerische Schachfiguren aus zehn Jahrhunderten.

Insel verlag, Leipzig 1963. Pictorial boards, slight wear to spine o/w VG. 67pp., including 45 plates of chesspieces. Previous owner name stamp on endpaper. £12.00

2949. Betts (D.A.): Chess. An Annotated Bibliography of Works Published in the English Language 1850-1968.

Facsimile reprint of 1974 edition, Moravian Chess, Czech Rep.2005. Thick heavy hardback bound in red cloth. pp xix, 659. Divided in subject areas, each entry with collation and often notes, and large index by author and title. The most important work of its kind for this period. The original edition and the Chess Player reprint are both very scarce and expensive. £38.00

2612. Bloomsbury Auctions: Fine Chess Sets and Games including property from the Ernst Boehlen Collection.

26 Oct.2004. Sale catalogue, cover split on spine o/w VG. 58pp., 241 lots with estimates and price list. Includes some books, memorabilia, a few pictures and prints, and many chess sets illustrated throughout in colour. £12.00

4250. Bloomsbury Auctions: Fine Chess Sets and Traditional Games.

23 Oct 2006. Sale catalogue. 91pp., 285 lots with estimates and price list. Includes 46 lots of mainly antiquarian books, memorabilia, a few pictures and prints, and many chess sets illustrated throughout in colour. A nice catalogue. £18.00

3724. Bloomsbury Auctions Collectors Sale: Fine Chess Sets and Traditional Games. Lots 233 to 469. (Also includes Fountain Pens, Medals, Shares, Banknotes & Coins to Lot 1007.)

25 Sept 2007. Large sale catalogue. VG. 141pp., with lot descriptions, estimates and price list. Includes 32 lots of mainly antiquarian books, memorabilia, a few pictures and prints, and many chess sets illustrated in colour. A nice catalogue. £15.00

4441. Bonhams Knightsbridge Auction: Chess, Playing Cards and Games.

14 Oct 2008. Sale catalogue. 65pp., with lot descriptions, estimates and price list. The large majority of lots are chess sets illustrated throughout in colour. A nice catalogue. £15.00

3873. Bonhams Knightsbridge Auction: Fine Chess Sets and Games.

13 May 2008. Large sale catalogue. 106pp., 281 lots with descriptions, estimates, price list. Includes 28 lots of books, and many chess sets illustrated throughout in colour. A nice catalogue. £18.00

5907. Bonhams Knightsbridge Auction: Fine Chess Sets and Games.

17 Jan 2011. Sale catalogue, VG. 53pp., 193 lots with descriptions and estimates. Includes a few lots of playing cards, games and books, and many chess sets illustrated throughout in colour. A nice catalogue. £15.00

2. Brace (E.R.): An Illustrated Dictionary of Chess.

Chartwell Books, USA 1987. 1st US Edn. VG,d/w. 320pp., diagrams. Over 2000 entries. £9.00

5290. Branch (W.S.): The History of Checkers from its Earliest Known Date - its Evolution and Growth. Specially Written for Pittsburg Leader, Oct.1911 - Apr.1912.

Transcribed by Ken Whyld, Gainsborough, 2003. Large format, slide binder, plastic cover, VG. 40pp. Limited Edition of 40 numbered copies. A series of weekly articles first published in the "Pittsburg Leader". The checker editor comments that this "is the first complete and comprehensive history of draughts ever printed." Checkers is of course the American name for draughts. £20.00

422. Bronstein (D.) & G.Smolyan.: Chess in the Eighties. Trans: K.P.Neat.

Pergamon 1982. 1st English Edn. Hardback, VG. 115pp. Discusses the sport-oriented nature of chess to the detriment of chess as an art form or element of culture, and investigates the psychology and thinking processes involved in chess. £10.00

3355. Burgess (G.): Chess Highlights of the 20th Century.

Gambit 1999. VG. Tall hardback. 208pp, photos, one or two pages for each year from 1900 to 1999 with chess news and brief world news and one or two selected game positions. (A.) £18.00

4623. Burnett (P.C.): Chess on Stamps.

Picton Publishing, Chippenham 1972. A facsimile copy, the pages loosely inserted into a slide binder. 45pp., black & white illustrations. Includes all chess stamps issued to end of 1971 plus some postmarks. Stamps are illustrated, often on covers, and the events or players are commented on. £12.00

2942. Cafferty (B.) & M.Taimanov: The Soviet Championships.

Cadogan, 1998. VG, d/w. 224pp., photos. The 58 Soviet Championships from 1920 to 1991, each with crosstable, introduction and one or two of the best games annotated by Taimanov. (A.) "The definitive record." £18.00

5560. Castedo (P.M. & L.M.): The Gijón International Chess Tournaments 1944-1965. A History with Biographies and 213 Games.

McFarland, USA 2019. New p/b. 244pp., photos. "Drawing on primary sources and testamonies of former players and organisers, chapters feature the tournament tables, winner's biographies, historical commentaries and 213 games (some annotated). Appendices with biographical notes and tables of participants for each year are included." £38.00

5607. Cavendish (pseudonym of Henry Jones): The Laws of Piquet.

(1882). (3rd Edn.) Original cloth, gilt spine. Without title-page. pp v, 131. Includes a history of the card game piquet. £8.00

6005. Cazaux (Jean-Louis) & Rick Knowlton: A World of Chess. Its Development and Variations through Centuries and Civilizations.

McFarland, USA 2017. Large p/b, first three pages slightly creased o/w VG. 398pp., many illustrations. A deeply researched account of the history of chess, including a broad spectrum of variants going back 1500 years. Many more recent chess variants are fully covered. Instructions for play are provided, with historical context, for every game presented. With a label on endpaper signed by both authors. £40.00

2809. Cessolis (Jacobus de.): Caxton's Game and Playe of the Chesse, 1474. A Verbatim Reprint of the First Edition. With an Introduction by William E.A.Axon.

Elliot Stock, 1883. BCM Classic Reprint No.6. (1968.) p/b, spine yellowed o/w VG. pp lxxii,201, 24 woodcuts in text. £12.00

7. Chernev (I.): The Chess Companion.

Faber & Faber 1970. 1st UK Edn. VG, d/w. 287pp. An anthology of interesting stories and articles by various authors, including "Writers who have changed Chess History" by Golombek. Also many famous games, problems and endings. With a bookplate of the ECF, Dunleavy collection. £12.00

189. Cockburn (A.): Idle Passion. Chess and the Dance of Death.

Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1975. 1st UK Edn. VG,d/w (small nick on jacket). 248pp. An exploration of the culture and fascination of chess, drawing from many sources. Includes sections on Morphy, Fischer, Marcel Duchamp, the chess novels of Nabokov and Zweig, "splendors and miseries of the great chess champions", etc. £12.00

3704. Cordingley (E.G.R.) & K.Whyld: The Chess Students Quarterly. Vol.I - VI (Nov 1946 - Mar 1952). (With) Match Bronstein vs. Boleslavski, Moscow 1950.

Moravian Chess, Czech Rep.2007. Hardback. 569pp. 356 games, many annotated, 14 games of B-B match, opening theory, book reviews, various lists of books for sale. A facsimile reprint of the complete run of CSQ which was produced on an off-set litho printing machine. It was intended to be complimentary to the two major British chess magazines, giving additional games and analysis, but no news or problems. The original issues are very scarce. £33.00

6051. Darlow (Mike): Turned Chessmen for Collectors, Players and Woodworkers.

Stobart Davies, Carmarthenshire 2004. Large p/b (21.5 x 28cm) VG. 168pp., many illustrations, most in colour, including drawings and designs for making chessmen. Includes a history of history with examples of chessmen, a gallery of sets made recently by six woodturners, chess piece symbols, designing chess sets, making chessmen. £35.00

1876. Davidson (H.A.): A Short History of Chess.

Greenberg, NY 1949. 1st Edn. Small stain to edge of a few pages o/w G. 228pp., 4 plates. The author states that he knows of no other history of chess being published in the U.S. before this one. £18.00

3300. del Rio (Ercole): The War of the Chessmen. La Guerra degli Scacchi, o sia Il Re de'Giuochi. Edited & Translated by Christopher Becker.

Caissa Limited Editions, US 1984. Blue cloth, VG. pp lxi, 184. This is the first publication of a manuscript by del Rio written around 1800 but unpublished until this edition in 1984. The original Italian plus English commentary added by Professor Christopher Becker who has added a long scholarly introduction which traces the early development of chess and explains the place of this work in chess history. Limited to 700 numbered copies. £24.00

149. Dennis (J.M.) & C.K.Wilkinson.: Chess: East and West, Past and Present. A Selection from the Gustavus A.Pfeiffer Collection (of Chessmen.)

The Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY, 1968. Oblong p/b (18 x 20cm), slight wear and paper loss to spine o/w G. Introduction on history of chess, illustrations and descriptions of 108 chess sets, some in colour. £18.00

3822. Depasquale (C.): My 60 Memorable Columns. Editor: Cathy Chua.

Chess World, Victoria 1995. p/b. VG. 123pp., 60 of the author's columns from the Melbourne newspaper "The Age" between 1990-95, most including a game or position, all of them memorable, entertaining or amusing. The games are not annotated but commented on in the articles. Scarce. (A.) £18.00

4841. Drajic (D.): An Overview of Yugoslavian Chess Literature 1886-1991. (An Annotated Bibliography). V. Additions, Biographies and Indexes.

Belgrade 2013. Hardback, as new. 189pp. First 94 pages are in English, including an Overview of Literature according to subjects, lists of tournamentsand magazines, corrections and additions, biographies. The remaining part is in Serbian. The final volume of the series. Limited to 150 copies. £25.00

4357. Drajic (D.): An Overview of Yugoslavian Chess Literature. (An Annotated Bibliography). I. Period 1886-1952.

Belgrade 2010. Hardback, slightly bumped corners o/w VG. 105pp. First 48 pages are in English, with introduction, summary of chess literature classification, sources, pre-war books and periodicals, Yugoslavian chess literature 1946-1952, index. The remaining part is in Serbian. Limited to 300 copies. £22.00

4495. Drajic (D.): An Overview of Yugoslavian Chess Literature. (An Annotated Bibliography). II. Period 1953-1967.

Belgrade 2011. Hardback. 120pp. First 56 pages are in English, with introduction, some additions to the first volume, details of books, periodicals, bulletins, programmes and games collections, index. The remaining part is in Serbian. Limited to 300 copies. £15.00

2939. Dunne (A.): Great Chess Books of the Twentieth Century in English.

McFarland, US 2005. New p/b. 208pp. An objective look at the best chess books of the 20th Century, including bibliographical details, description and author information, and reasons for the books importance. Includes one or two books for most years 1901-2000. £29.00

194. Eales (R.): Chess. The History of a Game.

Batsford 1985. 1st Edn. VG,d/w. 240pp. A seriously researched, but also readable, history. With a chess bookplate on endpaper. £15.00

4. Edwards (R.) & R.Keene.: The Chess Player's Bedside Book.

Batsford, 1975. 1st Edn. VG,d/w. 149pp., photos. Interesting articles by various authors, including a chapter on computer chess by David Levy, on Fairy chess, the style of Fischer, chess books for a desert island, British chess in the mid-18th century, world champions I have met by Golombek etc. £8.00

5480. Ellen (Barrie E.): Catalogue 52. Chess & Draughts, New and Secondhand Books.

2000/2001 p/b, stapled. 42pp., over 2000 items, small print. I believe this was Barrie's final catalogue. £5.00

1609. Elo (A.E.): The Rating of Chessplayers Past & Present.

Batsford, 1978. 1st Edn. VG,d/w. 206pp. The definitive work, packed with statistics, and quite scarce. With a bookplate of the ECF, Croker collection. £28.00

2642. Evans (L.): The Chess Beat.

Pergamon, 1982. 1st Edn. Large format p/b, VG. 105pp. Copies of 300 of Evans' newspaper columns which appeared from 1973-81 in Sunday Washington Post or Chiacgo Tribune, most including a game, and quite a few concerning Fischer. The print is quite small. With a small label of the ECF, Pollard collection. £15.00

2468. Faber (M.) / Racknitz: Der Schachautomat des Baron von Kempelen. Mit Einem Essay von Marion Faber.

Die Bibliophilen Taschenbucher, Harenberg 1983. p/b. VG. 156pp., many illustrations, some coloured. Includes a facsimile reprint of Racknitz's "Ueber den Schachspieler des Herrn von Kempelen und dessen Nachbildung" 1789, Faber's essay on von Kempelen's chess automaton, with details of other books, Edgar Allan Poe's "Maelzels Schachspieler", Theodor Heuss on the Life of von Kempelen. £18.00

3223. Fauber (R.E.): Impact of Genius. 500 Years of Grandmaster Chess.

ICE, Seattle 1992. 1st Edn. p/b. VG. 389pp. Over 200 games with notes. 500 years of chess, covering all the famous players, including many biographical details and interesting anecdotes. (A.) £18.00

4645. Fiala (V.) Editor: Quarterly for Chess History. Spring 16/2011.

Moravian Chess Publishing House, Czech Rep. August 2011. New h/b. 542pp. Includes: Chess Archives - Early Yates (1884-1907), New Steinitz, New Court Gazette; Biographies & games of Chigorin pt2, Lilienthal, Saburov; Forgotten chess tournaments - Redcar 1865-66, Dublin 1865, Birmingham 1899, 3 Matches Williams v Harrwitz 1846-1852; miscellaneous pieces on Edge-Fiske letters on Morphy, Alekhine, Capablanca, Lasker, Steinitz etc., with unknown games, Correspondence chess, Sonja Graf, Chess research and miscellany, Contents list of Quarterly Vols.1-8. 500 games in all. Contributors: Fiala, Gillam, Hilbert, Harding, Negele, Ruch, Gorodin, Pallier. (A.) (PREVIOUS VOLUMES ALSO AVAILABLE.) £28.00

5300. Fiala (V.) Editor: Quarterly for Chess History. Vol.V. No.18.

Moravian Chess Publishing House, Czech Rep. 2017. New h/b. 591pp. Includes: Chess Archives - Early Career of F.D.Yates, third part (1908-1909) 80 pages, Walbrodt in Havana 1893; Biographies & games of Chigorin pt.4, Girolamo Tassinari, A.W.Donegan; Forgotten chess tournaments - History of the District of Columbia Chess Championships 1929-1938; Matches Mackenzie v Reichhelm for US Champ 1866, Two Intercity matches Brno v Vienna 1923; Great Chess Players series: Staunton, Morphy, Steinitz, Lasker, Alekhine, Capablanca, with unknown games, Continental Correspondence Tournament 1894-1898 Second Part; Women's Chess- Louisa Fagan Pt.2 1900, Chess Women Notes; Chess Miscellany Nos.426-450; Chess reviews on Walter Penn Shipley and Blackburne books; Corrections to Di Felice Chess Results Project Part 1; 363 games in all. Contributors: Fiala, Gillam, Zavatarelli, Pallier, Binnewirtz. (A.) (PREVIOUS VOLUMES ALSO AVAILABLE.) £30.00

5635. Fiala (V.) Editor: Quarterly for Chess History. Vol.VI. No.21.

Moravian Chess Publishing House, Czech Rep. 2020. New h/b. 584pp. Includes: Chess Archives - Swedish chess under the shadow of the swastika; Chess biography: Mikhail Chigorin Pt.5 1882-83, 80 pages; Forgotten Chess Tournaments - Tournament Research 1900-1918 by Tony Gillam, 198 pages; Classical Chess Matches: Capablanca v B.Kostich, Havana 1919; Great Chess Players series: Staunton, Morphy, Steinitz, Lasker, Capablanca, Alekhine; Continental Correspondence Tournament 1894-1898 Part Five; Women's Chess- Louisa Fagan Pt.5 1903, Chess Women Notes; Chess Miscellany Nos.501-525; Chess reviews on Kolisch and British Chess Literature books; Chess Problems - The All-Union 1929 Championship for composing; 607 games in all; Content of QCH Vols.17-20. Contributors: Vlastimil Fiala, Tony Gillam, Alain Pallier, Henrik Lindberg, Adrian Harvey. (A.) (PREVIOUS VOLUMES ALSO AVAILABLE.) £30.00

5810. Fiala (V.) Editor: Quarterly for Chess History. Vol.VI. No.22.

Moravian Chess Publishing House, Czech Rep. 2020. New h/b. 560pp. Includes: Chess Archives - Tournament Research 1919-1922 by Anthony Gillam; Chess biography: The Short Career of Wilhelm Hanstein (1811-1850); Forgotten Chess Tournaments - Chess in Displaced Persons Camps after WW2 and 1944 Riga City Ch; Classical Chess Matches: Two Rey Ardid's Matches 1934-35; Great Chess Players series: De La Bourdonnais, Staunton, Morphy, Steinitz, Lasker, Capablanca, Alekhine; Ireland v Yorkshire Correspondence Match 1887-88; Women's Chess- Louisa Fagan Pt.6 1904, Chess Women Notes; Chess Miscellany Nos.526-550; Chess Research, 3 items; Chess reviews on H.E.Bird and Neumann, Hirschfeld & Suhle books; Chess Problems - Chess Composers and the Great Terror; 662 games in all, some lightly annotated; Contributors: Vlastimil Fiala, Anthony Gillam, Alain Pallier, John Donaldson, Dominique Thimognier, Fabrizio Zavatarelli. (A.) (PREVIOUS VOLUMES ALSO AVAILABLE.) £30.00

3706. Fiala (V.) Editor: Quarterly for Chess History. Winter 13/2007.

Moravian Chess Publishing House, Czech Rep. July 2007. Hardback, G. 436pp. Includes: Short History of Origins of Chess Tournaments, biographies of Hromadka pt.9, R.Sze, William Lewis, forgotten chess tournaments - Munich 1886, Zoppot 1937, Showalter v Albin match NY 1894, articles on Staunton - Harrwitz match, Steinitz, Alekhine, Capablanca etc., with unknown games, later years of Chess Players' Chronicle, Chess in California 1945-51, 326 games in all, correspondence chess, miscellany, reviews. (A.) £20.00

362. Fine (R.): The Psychology of the Chess Player.

Dover 1967. Reprint of 1st Edn with new appendix. p/b. VG. Photos, 74pp. Fine was a qualified psychoanalyst as well as a world class player in the 1930s and 40s, and knew personally many of the famous players discussed in this book. £10.00

4546. FISCHER. F.Brady: Endgame. Bobby Fischer's Remarkable Rise and Fall - From America's Brightest Prodigy to the Edge of Madness.

Crown, NY 2011. 1st Edn. Fine,d/w. Photos, 402pp. (No games.) The definitive biography. Includes an Epilogue and lenghty section of Notes and sources. £20.00

2950. Forbes (Duncan): The History of Chess, from the Time of the Early Invention of the Game in India, till the Period of its Establishment in Western and Central Europe.

Facsimile Reprint of the original 1860 edition, Moravian Chess, Czech Rep.2005. Hardback, purple cloth, VG. Frontispiece, pp viii, 312, lx (appendix), 3 plates at end. LN 211. £25.00

431. Fox (M.) & R.James: The Complete Chess Addict.

Faber 1987. 1st Edn. p/b, some creasing to covers o/w G. 264pp., illustrations, games, positions, hundreds of interesting, entertaining, and bizarre facts. (A.) £10.00

3723. FRERE: Hillyer (Martin Frere): Thomas Frere and the Brotherhood of Chess. A History of 19th Century Chess in New York City.

McFarland, US 2007. New tall hardback. 211pp., illus., selection of games. A thorough work by the great great grandson of Thomas Frere, one of the foremost figures of 19th century American chess. (A.) (Also: p/b edition. £30.00) £40.00

1504. Frey (P.W.) Editor: Chess Skill in Man and Machine.

NY, Heidelberg, Berlin, 1983. 2nd Edn. Hardback, VG. 329pp. Various sections by different contributors including computer chess tournaments, human chess skill, programs, man versus machine, bibliography. £25.00

5889. Fulton (Anthony): The Southern Counties Chess Union - A Retrospective. An Authoritative Account of the Major Episodes of the first 125 Years of the Southern Counties Chess Union.

2022. New p/b. 383pp. Packed with information and statistics. A significant contribution to English chess history. With a lengthy bibliography and results sources. £16.00

2946. Gaige (J.): Chess Personalia. A Biobibliography.

McFarland, US 2005. p/b reprint of 1987 hardback edition. VG. xxii, 505pp. "About 14,000 entries...the result of nearly 25 years of research" providing full name, date and place of birth and death, pseudonyms, FIDE titles and year awarded, sources for biographical details, plus index to obituaries in the BCM. An indispensable work. The original hardback edition is scarce. £30.00

1864. Gaige (J.): Chess Personalia. A Biobibliography.

McFarland, US 1987. Red cloth, spine lightly sunned o/w VG. xxii, 505pp. "About 14,000 entries...the result of nearly 25 years of research" providing full name, date and place of birth and death, psuedonyms, FIDE titles and year awarded, sources for biographical details, plus index to obituaries in the BCM. An indispensable work, this original hardback edition is scarce. £50.00

3699. Geuzendam (D.J ten): Linares! Linares! A Journey into the Heart of Chess.

NIC 2001. 1st. p/b. F. 126pp. (No games.) An inside account of the annual premier chess tournament at Linares in Spain by one of the finest chess journalists. £10.00

4259. Geuzendam (D.J. ten): Finding Bobby Fischer. Chess Interviews.

New in Chess 1994. 1st Edn. Hardback, VG. 254pp., photos. A collection of chess interviews first published in New in Chess magazine, including several concerning books (Niemeijer, Krabbe, Botvinnik, Karpov, Timman), memorable moments (Korchnoi, Spassky, Gligoric, Najdorf, Larsen, Smyslov), Kasparov, Karpov, Kramnik, Anand, Judit Polgar, Xie Jun, Fischer in 1992, and more. £20.00

5926. Geuzendam (D.J. ten): Finding Bobby Fischer. Chess Interviews.

New in Chess 2015. Reprint. p/b, as new. 286pp., photos. A collection of chess interviews first published in New in Chess magazine, including several concerning books (Niemeijer, Krabbe, Botvinnik, Karpov, Timman), memorable moments (Korchnoi, Spassky, Gligoric, Najdorf, Larsen, Smyslov), Kasparov, Karpov, Kramnik, Anand, Judit Polgar, Xie Jun, Fischer in 1992, and more. This reprint has some minor corrections, footnotes, and a different photo selection from the original 1994 edition. £20.00

4214. Gizycki (J.): Schach zu Allen Zeiten.

Stauffacher Verlag, Zurich 1967. Large thick hardback, 21 x 27.5cm., VG,d/w (small tear top of spine), with card slipcase. 391pp., many illustrations, including colour plates. First published in Polish in 1960. This First German edition with new chapter on German chess history. Includes sections on chess and art, in poetry & prose, mathematics, famous people who played chess etc... £20.00

830. Glyn (Anthony): The Dragon Variation.

Hutchinson 1969. 1st Edn. Covers slightly marked o/w G, (no jacket). 312pp. A chess and travel novel set in ten different cities. £12.00

10. Golombek (H.): The Encyclopaedia of Chess.

Batsford,1977. 1st Edn. Large hardback, G, d/w. 360pp., many illustrations. "The most ambitious and authoritative available" at the time of publication. £12.00

285. Graham (F.L.): Chess Sets.

Studio Vista 1968. 1st Edn. VG, d/w. 84pp., many illus. Includes large section on modern sets. £12.00

5950. Greig (Major): Greig's Code Book for Correspondence Chess Players.

Cheadle, Cheshire 1943. Small p/b (10 x 17cm) blue card covers, small tape repair on front cover o/w good. pp (iv),12. Contains 206 sentences, each numbered, for exchanging remarks when sending moves in correspondence play. Betts 4-7. Not found in LN 1955 catalogue. Very scarce. £15.00

3989. Griffiths (M.J.): Chess in Wales.

Moravian Chess (2008.) Hardback, VG. 339pp, 68 illustrations, mainly from photos, 32 games, index of Welsh chess players. (A.) A history of Welsh chess up to 1970. Includes sections on Thomas Bowdler and Philidor, Captain Evans, early clubs, details of the associations, championships, congresses, correspondence chess, the clubs, their officials, matches etc.. £25.00

5957. Groot (Adriaan D. de) & Fernand Gobet: Perception and Memory in Chess. Studies in the Heuristics of the Professional Eye.

Van Gorcum, Assen 1996. 1st Edn. p/b, previous owner inscription on endpaper. VG. 315pp. "What is at the basis of chess masters' striking ability to quickly capture, retain and recall the information contained in an unknown, complex chess position? This is the psychological question addressed in this book." (back cover). £80.00

2685. Hagedorn (R.K.): Benjamin Franklin and Chess in Early America. A Review of the Literature.

University of Philadelphia Press, 1958. 1st Edn. Paper somewhat yellowed as usual o/w VG,d/w (jacket a bit creased). pp92, plates. Details 60 works printed in America from 1802 to 1859, Franklin's "Morals of Chess", with commentary and essay on Franklin. A scarce and useful reference work. £40.00

258. Hammond (A.): The Book of Chessmen.

A.Barker 1950. 1st Edn. 4to, original cream cloth, VG. 160pp including 61 plates. By the renowned London dealer and collector who helped in the building of some famous chess set collections. With a label of the ECF, Ravilious collection. £28.00

4433. Harding (Tim): Correspondence Chess in Britain and Ireland, 1824-1987.

McFarland, US 2011. Large p/b. VG. 433pp., 53 photos, tables, appendices, notes, bibliography, indexes. This book details the history of British and Irish correspondence chess from the first formal match between Edinburgh and London in 1824 well into the 1980s, the most successful period in British correspondence chess. It traces the development of postal chess, including the growth of regional and national chess associations after World War I; the dawn of game-changing technologies such as the telegraph, the telephone, radio, and fax machines; Appendices list tournament champions; I.C.C.F. title holders; known club matches; and interesting excerpts from rules and other documents. £38.00

4708. Harding (Tim): Eminent Victorian Chess Players. Ten Biographies.

McFarland, US 2012. Large p/b, Fine. 400pp., many illustrations from old photos and drawings., over 160 games, many annotated. Includes 6 appendices including career records and career of Mephisto, extensive chapter notes, bibliography, indices of images, opponents, openings, general index. (A.) Comprises the biographies of Captain Evans, Staunton, Lowenthal, Bird, Skipworth, Steinitz, Blackburne, Zukertort, Burn, Gunsberg. The author has combined deep reading in primary sources with genealogical research to reveal new facts and correct previous misunderstandings. The lives of several other important figures in Victorian chess are also provided. £40.00

1439. Harley (B.): Chess and its Stars.

Leeds, 1936. 1st Edn. Blue cloth, VG. 161pp., plates. Includes chapters on Capablanca, Alekhine, Euwe, Bonar Law, the Gambit chess cafe, blindfold chess, other articles, some games. £12.00

12. Hartston (W.R.): The Kings of Chess. A History of Chess Traced through the Lives of its Greatest Players.

Pavilion, 1985. Large hardback, VG,d/w. 192pp., well illustrated with photos and old historical prints and pictures, a few famous games annotated. (A.) With a bookplate of the ECF collection. £15.00

191. Harwood (G.): Caissa's Web. The Chess Bedside Book.

Latimer 1975. 1st Edn. G,d/w. 167pp., 12 plates. An anthology including poetry, drama, fiction, history, proverbs, cartoons, paintings. (No games.) Presentation inscription from Peter H.Clarke, chess author and one of the leading English players of the 1960's. £18.00

2565. Hauswedell & Nolte auctioneers: Auktion 314. Schachliteratur aus Funf Jahrhunderten.

Hamburg, 24 Nov.1995. Catalogue, thin card covers, VG. 88pp. 720 lots, fully described, sometimes with extra notes, including many antiquarian, tournaments etc. Includes price list. A high quality chess book auction. £20.00

3183. Hayes (J.E.) & D.N.L.Levy: The World Computer Chess Championship Stockholm 1974.

Edinburgh University Press, 1976. 1st Edn. VG, d/w. 105pp. 25 games from the championship won by Kaissa (USSR), a few other games, a short history, concepts and mechanisms, chess thinking, bibliography, the first draft of Levy's Computer Chess Challenge wager. £24.00

4709. Hilbert (John S.): Writings in Chess History.

Moravian Chess, Czech Rep. 2012. New hardcover, glazed boards with portrait on front. 616pp. 516 games, some annotated, and most long forgotten. Index of games. "Consists of forty chapters, originally individual essays or reviews written over the past several years, collected now for the first time. Subjects include Zukertort, Buckle, Sellman (about 80 pages and all known games), Staunton, Lasker, Whitaker, Helms, Marshall, Chajes, interview with Hilbert, Philidor, Duchamp, Pollock, Zemgalis, The Chess Player's Chronicle, British Chess Review, The Field, and more. (A.) £32.00

722. Hochberg (B.) Ed: The 64-Square Looking Glass. The Great Game of Chess in World Literature.

Times Books, US 1993. 1st Edn. VG, d/w. 352pp. A comprehensive anthology of chess belles lettres. Includes excerpts from most of the famous literary works on chess or including chess in them. £20.00

891. Hoffmann (F.& J.): Schach unter der Lupe. Eine Fibel fur Schachspieler und Philatelisten.

Sportverlag Berlin, 1986. 1st Edn. Oblong small 8vo, VG, d/w. 151pp. Includes 88 pages in colour illustrating numerous stamps with a chess theme issued between 1947 & 1986, plus various essays on chess. £12.00

5968. Holding (Dennis H.): The Psychology of Chess Skill.

Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, USA 1985. 1st Edn. Hardback, pictorial white glazed covers, VG. 271pp. "The book is designed to explicate the thought and judgement processes of the chessplayer as revealed by experimental research." Chapters include Chess Memory, Memory and Skill, Looking and Visualizing, how computers play chess, planning and search, evaluating chess positions. Includes References and Author index, subject index. £30.00

4444. Hollander (Hans & Barbara): Schachpartie durch Zeiten und Welten. Mit Beitragen von Hans Krieger, Egbert Meissenburg.

Edition Braus, Hamburg 2005. Large heavy hardback (25 x 31cm) VG,d/w. 368pp., illustrated throughout with coloured illustrations mainly of chess sets, old and modern, also from paintings, prints and books. Covers chess in literature, pictures and chess pieces from the Middle Ages through to the 20th Century. A fine work. £45.00

16. Horowitz (A.): From Morphy to Fischer. A History of the World Chess Championship.

Batsford,1973. 1st UK Edn. VG,d/w (top edge wear). 291pp., many games, some annotated, profiles of the world champions, interesting anecdotes. £10.00

1438. Horowitz (I.A.) & J.S.Battell.: The Best in Chess.

Hodder & Stoughton 1966. 1st UK Edn. Present inscription on endpaper o/w VG, d/w. 412pp. A large collection of annotated games, articles, stories, problems, selected from the best of "Chess Review" since 1933. £14.00

375. Horton (B.J.): Dictionary of Modern Chess.

Peter Owen, 1959. 1st UK Edn. G. 224pp. The first dictionary of chess. £15.00

1501. Hunvald (H.) Compiler: Chess Quotations from the Masters. With Illustrations by Jeff Hill.

The Peter Pauper Press, NY 1972. 1st Edn. VG,d/w. 62pp. 9 colourful illustrations and attractive covers by Jeff Hill. £10.00

5526. Hurst (Sarah): A Shrimp Learnt to Whistle.

Elephant Publishing, Goring-on-Thames, 1997. 1st Edn. p/b, F. 230pp. Signed dedication from the author on title-page. An often humorous look at life in post-communist Russia. Very little chess content. Sarah Hurst was a regular contributor to "Chess" magazine in the 1990's and also wrote a book about Kirsan Ilyumzhinov. £12.00

3754. Hurst (Sarah): Curse of Kirsan. Adventures in the Chess Underworld. Foreword by Ken Whyld.

Russell, US 2002. 1st Edn. p/b, front cover crease o/w VG. 285pp.,illus. Includes much insight and anecdotes on the British chess scene, interviews, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, the darker side of chess politics, Alekhine, chess in Hungary, and much more. £12.00

4347. Jones (R.H.): 60 Years in the Same Room. A History of the Paignton Chess Congress.

Keverel Chess Books, 2010. p/b (17x24cm), VG. 157pp., 80 pictures (8 in colour), 27 charts and cross-tables, 60 games, some annotated by famous players or hitherto unpublished. A detailed story of the event itself from 1951 to the present day, sketches of ten personalities connected with the congress in some way, including Golombek, B.H.Wood, Rowena & Ron Bruce, Ritson Morry, Michael Adams & Keith Arkell, a chapter on the remarkable Singer family whose magnificent home became the venue of this annual event. (A.) £16.00

5499. Kanai (Shozo): Mah Jong for Beginners.

Tuttle Co., US & Japan, 1961. Revised Edn., 8th printing (special economy edition included with Mah jong sets.) p/b, G. 64pp. With a loose Count Table. £5.00

757. Karpov (A.) & Y.Gik.: Chess Kaleidoscope.

Pergamon 1981. 1st English Edn. p/b, VG. 168pp. (A.) Includes "Seven Chess Letters" - geometry and symmetry in chess, problems and studies, decisive games for the World Championship, computer chess, and 15 of Karpov's best games. £8.00

3009. Karpov, Averbakh and many others: Shakhmaty entsiklopedichesky slovar. (Encyclopaedia in Russian.)

Moscow, 1990. 1st Edn. Large hardback, brown cloth, gilt. VG. 621pp., plates, some coloured, many illustrations, numerous games, problems & studies, tournament crosstables. "A magnificent Soviet work." (Oxford Companion p.108.) With bookplate of the ECF collection. £25.00

4729. Kasparov (G.) with Mig Greengard: How Life Imitates Chess.

Heinemann 2007. 1st Edn. VG,d/w 271pp. "Drawing on a wealth of revealing and instructive stories... Kasparov reveals the strategic ways of thinking that always give a player - in life as in chess - the edge." £10.00

6050. Kasparov (Garry) with Mig Greengard: Deep Thinking. Where Machine Intelligence Ends and Human Creativity Begins.

John Murray, 2017. 1st Edn. VG,d/w. 287pp. Kasparov tells his side of the story of Deep Blue for the first time. He also tells the story of AI more generally, and how he's evolved to embrace it. Full of expert knowledge and fascinating insights. £12.00

5906. Kaufman (Larry): Chess Board Options. A Memoir of Players, Games and Engines.

New In Chess, 2021. New p/b. 223pp., photos, 64 annotated games. "An engrossing memoir rife with stories and anecdotes about dozens of famous and not-so-famous chess players. American GM Larry Kaufman is a world-famous computer programmer and has been involved with computer chess since 1967." (A.) £22.00

5862. Kazic (B.): Iz Anala FIDE.

Beograd 1972. p/b, G. 108pp., photos, a few games. A record of FIDE events including Olympiads, Interzonals, Candidates, World Championships, FIDE titles etc. With two bookplates of the ECF/BCF, Golombek collection. £10.00

17. Kazic (B.M.): International Championship Chess. A Complete Record of FIDE Events.

Batsford, 1974. 1st Edn. Corner of a few pages creased o/w VG,d/w. 360pp. Full details of Olympiads, all World Championship competitions, and 273 games. Includes World Student Team, Interzonals, Candidates, World Junior, Correspondence, Compositions, title-holders etc. £10.00

2381. Kazic (B.M.): The Chess Competitor's Handbook.

Batsford 1980. 1st Edn. VG,d/w. 229pp. Elo is a co-author. Includes chapters on ratings and FIDE rating system, rules for tournaments and matches, laws and their interpretations, etc. (Also: p/b, G. £9.00 ) £15.00

1425. Keats (V.): Chessmen for Collectors.

Batsford 1985. 1st Edn. Large format, VG, d/w. 240pp. Numerous illustrations including coloured plates. Thirteen chapters on different countries, plus modern sets, literature & art, appendix, bibliography. A fine and sought-after work on the subject. £60.00

4297. Keats (V.): Vol.2 Chess: Its Origin. A Translation with Commentary of the Latin & Hebrew in Thomas Hyde's De Ludis Orientalibus (Oxford, 1694).

Oxford, 1994. Folio (8.5 x 12in., 215 x 300mm) hardbound blue cloth, two corners slightly bumped o/w VG. 337pp., illustrations. The first English translation of most of the chess section of Hyde's work, which was the first book to give a serious account of the origins of chess and other board games. A scarce book. £60.00

13. Keene (R.): Chess An Illustrated History.

Phaidon, Oxford 1990. 1st Edn. Large format, VG,d/w (jacket spine is faded). 128pp., many fine coloured illustrations, including chessmen, old photos, paintings etc. With a small label of the ECF, Ravilious collection. £20.00

364. Keene (R.) & N.Divinsky.: Warriors of the Mind. A Quest for the Supreme Genius of the Chess Board.

Hardinge Simpole 1989. 1st Edn. VG,d/w. 342pp., photos. (A.) An objective ranking list of the 64 strongest players of all time, with short biographies, stylistic descriptions, and over 80 annotated games. £14.00

2450. Kiefer (A.): Das Schachspiel in Literatur und Kunst.

Verlag Munchner, (1958) 1st Edn. Grey cloth, covered with clear plastic, underlining to a few pages otherwise good. 233pp. 17 plates of paintings, woodcuts, chesspieces. Includes chess history, literature, poetry, art, drama, machines etc. £18.00

1383. Kipping (C.S.): The Kipping Chess Club Year Book 1943-1944.

Liverpool, 1944. p/b, blue wrappers, G. 30pp. Includes 10 games, club review, problems, appreciation of Vera Menchik. The second of only two years published and scarce. £15.00

4913. Klahre (A.C.): Early Chess in America.

The Whitlock Press, NY (1934.) 1st Edn. Original blue printed wrappers, slight corner crease to lower corner of pages o/w G. 20pp. LN 304. A scarce item. £40.00

5541. Klittich - Pfankuch book auction catalogues: .

. Each catalogue includes hundreds of chess books, autographs and other materials, with full descriptions, estimates and price list for the chess section. Text in German.The following Auction Catalogue numbers available at £10.00 each:No.57 June 2010 (some pen marks) No.60 Nov 2011 (some pen marks) No.61 June 2012 No.63 Nov 2012 No.64 June 2013. No.75 Nov 2018. Each £10.00

2109. Knight (N.): Chess Pieces. An Anthology in Prose and Verse.

Sampson Low, 1949. 1st Edn. VG,d/w (slightly torn on top edge). 315pp. 343 different pieces in all, plus index. Inscribed on inside jacket "W.M.Mitchell with best wishes B H Wood Christmas 1952." (Another copy: G, with d/w torn at edges. £10.00) £16.00

18. Knight (N.) & W.Guy.: King, Queen and Knight. A Chess Anthology in Prose & Verse.

Batsford 1975. 1st Edn. 240pp. VG, d/w (faded on spine). Contains over 250 passages of prose and verse from many different countries and centuries. £10.00

3344. Koltanowski (G.): Chessnicdotes. Vol.1 & 2.

Chess Enterprises, US 1978-81. 2 vols, p/b's, G. 100pp each., illustrations, numerous anecdotes, 106 complete games, some by Koltanowski. (D.) & (A.) £28.00

1068. Korn (W.): America's Chess Heritage. From Benjamin Franklin to Bobby Fischer and Beyond.

McKay, NY 1978. 1st Edn. p/b, G. 302pp. Numerous annotated games, much biographical, historical, and other material. £13.00

1309. Kruijswijk (K.W.) Compiler: Bibliotheca Van der Linde-Niemeijeriana aucta et de novo descripta. A Catalogue of the Chess Collection in the Royal Library, The Hague. Vol.1 Chess: Bibliography & History.

ALL PUBLISHED. 1974. 4to, black cloth. VG. 150pp, 8 plates, copy of corrections leaf, 1300 annotated entries. £35.00

979. Kuiper (Dr.P.F.): Hundert Jahre Schachturniere 1851-1950.

Amsterdam, 1964. 1st Edn. G, in a worn and repaired d/w. Lots of red and blue pen notes and markings, plus cuttings. 307pp., many excellent photos. Includes tournament results, including cross-tables for important events, occasional games, list of masters with their career results. With a signed note of the author included. £30.00

716. Kuiper (Dr.P.F.): Hundert Jahre Schachzweikampfe 1851-1950.

W.Ten Have 1967. 1st Edn. VG, d/w. pp 144, excellent photos. A comprehensive record of matches played in each year, including games and references to literature. £20.00

3972. Lasa (T.H. von der): Erneutes Verzeichniss meiner Sammlung von Schriften uber das Schachspiel.

Wiesbaden 1896. (Facsimile reprint by Moravian Chess, Czech Rep.2008). New hardback. 208pp. A catalogue of over 3300 chess books in Lasa's collection, arranged alphabetically, some entries with notes. Only 100 copies of the original book were published. £25.00

2004. Lasa (T.von der): Zur Geschichte und Literatur des Schachspiels.

Leipzig 1897. (Facsimile Reprint 1976.) VG. pp viii,269. His most important book, still perhaps the clearest account of the game's development in Europe from medieval times. (Oxford Companion.) £30.00

3451. LASA (von der): Edited by V.Fiala & S.Sierpowski: Tassilo von Heydebrand und der Lasa and His Chess Collection. International Conference of Chess Historians. Organised by Kornik Library of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Sept.16-18, 2002.

Moravian Chess, Kornik 2003. Hardback, VG. 286pp. Comprises a series of lectures by various historians, mainly in English and German, including biography of v.der Lasa and 176 of his games. (A.) £30.00

795. Lasker (Edward): The Adventure of Chess.

Dover 1959. Revised 2nd Edn. p/b, VG. 296pp. No games, but includes history, literature, biographies, psychology, art, famous chess amateurs, automata, early computer chess etc. £12.00

5393. LASKER (Emanuel): Editors: R.Forster, M.Negele, R.Tischbierek: Emanuel Lasker. Volume 1. Struggle and Victories. World Chess Champion for 27 Years.

Exzelsior Verlag, Berlin 2018. New hardback, dark blue cloth with gilt lettering. pp xiv,450, numerous fine photos, many rarely seen, good selection of annotated games. Includes biography, ancestors, family and childhood, Lasker in Great Britain, The American Views, Lasker and Mathematics, his Endgame studies and problems, his battles with Tarrasch, "Dominator" of the chess world, illustration sources, bibliography, general index. (A.) A splendid book with essays by leading experts, about a unique figure, whose intellectual horizon and ambitions went far beyond the 64 squares. The first of three volumes. £55.00

4118. LASKER: PERIODICAL: Lasker and his Contemporaries. No.2.

Thinkers' Press, Iowa, 1979. Large format p/b. VG. pp 38-75, illustrated. Various articles on Lasker, some games, his 1910 Buenos Aires lectures, interview, Najdorf on Alekhine, Hannak on Schlechter, the Great Steinitz Hoax by Purdy. . £12.00

873. LASKER: PERIODICAL: Lasker and his Contemporaries. No.5.

Thinkers' Press, Iowa, 1997. Large format p/b. Fine. 64pp., illustrated. Long article on Lasker's first two months in USA 1892, others on Capt.Evans, Carlos Torre, Essential Tools for Exploring Chess History, Forgotten Games etc.. £15.00

1720. Levy (David) & Stewart Reuben: The Chess Scene.

Faber 1974. 1st Edn. VG, d/w. 276pp. Includes history, chess champions, psychology, bribery, types of players, ratings, administration, Bobby Fischer, Boris Spassky, their match etc. (No games.) £10.00

502. Liddell (Donald.M.): Chessmen. With the Collaboration of Gustavus A. Pfeiffer and J.Maunoury.

White Lion, 1976. A facsimile reprint of the 1937 1st Edition. Large format, VG, d/w (small nick on spine). 171pp. Many plates illustrating chess sets, chapters on all types of chessmen and their history. A pioneering work on the subject. £25.00

633. Linde (A. van der): Bibliotheca van der Linde-Niemeijeriana. A Catalogue of the Chess Collections in the Royal Library The Hague.

1988 facsimile of 1955 work. Limited Edition of 750 copies. Spine and lettering a bit faded o/w VG. 342pp. Lists some 6500 items published up to 1953/54, divided into subjects, plus index. £30.00

203. Linde (A. van der): Das Erste Jartausend der Schachlitteratur (850-1880).

Caissa,USA,1979. Facsimile Reprint Limited to 700 numbered copies. 112,(4)pp. VG. Includes most of the chess publications known of until its publication in 1880, arranged alphabetically by author.. £30.00

2392. Linde (A. van der): Geschichte und Literatur des Schachspiels.

Berlin 1874. Facsimile reprint by Edition Olms, Zurich 1981. 2 volumes in 1. VG, (without d/w.) pp 422, 154, 524. This is a very important bibliography and historical work, particularly for early chess literature. Gives full details of all the books and magazines. Both the original and reprint are scarce. £75.00

6006. Linder (Dr.I.M.): Scachfiguren im Wandel der Zeit.

H.G.S., Moscow 1994. 1st Edn. Tall 8vo (15 x 27cm), VG,d/w. 288pp. 250 illustrations, mostly in colour, often double-page. A luxurious production on glossy paper. "The result of Dr.Linder's 30 year research into the history of chess pieces and its interrelation with world culture...based on a thorough study of private collections and museum pieces." £35.00

376. Lombardy (W.) & D.Daniels.: Chess Panorama.

Chilton Book Co., US 1975. 1st Edn. VG, d/w (torn at top of spine). 196pp. A collection of entertaining anecdotes and games. £12.00

20. Mackett-Beeson (A.E.J.): Chessmen.

Octopus, 1973. A reprint of the 1968 edition in slightly larger format. 4to, VG,d/w. 97pp., numerous illustrations, many coloured. £7.00

4660. Manen (John van): The Chess Literature of Australia and New Zealand. 4th Edition Updated to June 2009 by Bob Meadley and Paul Dunn.

Academic Mind, Belgrade for the Ken Whyld Association, 2011. Hardback, fine condition. 242 pages. Includes 524 Australian Items and 72 NZ Items, newspapers and chess columns, tribute to John Van Manen, Bob Meadley's Chess Library with coloured illustrations of book covers. A high quality production. Edition Limited to 250 copies. £40.00

1875. Massmann (H.F.): Geschichte des Mittelalterlichen, vorzugsweise des Deutschen Schachspieles. Mit einem Nachwort von B.Richter.

Facsimile reprint der Ausgabe 1839. Schachverlag Horst Helten 1980. Green cloth, VG. pp viii, 222 facsimile of original work, (4) nachwort, plus 15 folding illustrations of chesspieces at end. £18.00

22. Matthews (K.): British Chess.

Collins,1948. 1st Edn. VG, with VG d/w. Gift inscription on endpaper. 50pp., well illustrated, some coloured. "Britain in Pictures" series. A history of chess in Britain. £12.00

3129. Maurensig (Paolo): The Luneburg Variation. Translated by Jon Rothschild.

Phoenix House, 1998. 1st UK Edn. VG,d/w. 140pp. "Gripping psychological tale" with a chess theme, first novel of the Italian author. £10.00

239. Montgomerie (J.): The Quiet Game.

Davis-Poynter 1972. 1st Edn. VG,d/w (jacket with slight edge wear.) 192pp. A selection of games, problems, studies, and reminiscences. Uncommon. £12.00

3564. Moran (P.): The World Chess Championship: Steinitz to Alekhine.

Batsford, 1986. Revised English Edn. p/b, paper slightly yellow o/w VG. 204pp. Introductions and all games from the matches from 1886 to 1937, some annotated. (A.) £9.00

4990. MORPHY. Lawson (David): Paul Morphy: La Gloire et la Tristesse des Echecs. Translated from the American Edition by David-Andre Gills.

Privately published 2013. p/b, Fine. 418pp., many illustrations, 60 games. The definitive biography of Morphy, with much on his later life, copies of letters and documents etc. Note the print is rather small. A translation of the definitive biography of Morphy: "Pride and Sorrow of Chess", published in 1976. Edition Limited to 100 numbered and signed copies. £30.00

977. Muller (R.A.): Der Arzt im Schachspiel. The Physician in the Game of Chess in the Work of Jacobus de Cessolis.

Munchen 1981. 1st Edn. Large format, pictorial hardback, VG. 96pp. Many illustrations, some coloured, from old manuscripts and miniatures. Text in German, English, French and Spanish. £18.00

4899. Niemeijer (Dr.M.): Adversaria. Scaccariana.

Wassenaar 1975. p/b. VG. 32pp. 20 problems, many miscellaneous chess notes and quotes. £8.00

4898. Niemeijer (Dr.M.): Miscellanea Caissana.

Wassenaar 1977. p/b. VG. 39pp., around 200 problems by various composers, article on Bibliotheca Van der Linde-Niemeijeriana. £10.00

2083. Niemeijer (M.): Bonus Socius. Bijdragen tot de Cultuurgeschiedenis van het Schaakspel en Andere Bordspelen.

Koninklijke Bibliotheek, 's-Gravenhage 1977. 1st Edn. p/b, yellowed on page block edge o/w G. 296pp., a few plates, errata page. A series of articles by various authors to celebrate the 75th birthday of the Dutch bibliophile and problem composer Dr.M.Niemeijer, most in Dutch, a few in German or English, including Brandreth, Reminiscences of a Chess Book Collection, Whyld On Vogt's Letters. £30.00

1934. Oefele (A. von): Das Schachspiel der Bataker. Ein Ethnographischer Beitrag zur Geschichte des Schach.

Leipzig, 1904. (A later facsimile reprint.) p/b, some foxing on covers as from original copy, VG. 63pp. (LN 249.) "A most patient and valuable study of the game as played in Sumatra by the Orang-Batak" (Murray, History). £14.00

5516. Ohara (E.): Japanese Chess. The Game of Shogi.

Bridgeway Press, 1958. Repr. H/b. G. 182pp. £6.00

4378. Padsalgikar (Tamannacharya): The Game of Chess (Native and Western Methods). Originally Published in the Marathi Language.

Sangli, India, March 1941. English Version by Vijay D.Pandit, Mumbai Oct.2009. The Chess Player, Nottingham 2009. New p/b. 136pp. Includes information on Indian tournaments, mainly of the 1920s and 1930s and 18 brief biographies of Indian players, most unknown in the West, with a selection of games, and a bibliography of Indian chess books up to 1941. (A.) Limited to 100 numbered copies. £18.00

1817. Pennell (M.): Chessmen and Intellectual Property.

Venezia, 1993. Large p/b, VG. 24pp., 52 line illustrations of chesspieces. Published as a Supplement to "Scacchi e Scienze Applicate." The author, a Senior Examiner at the British Patents Office, discusses some 9 classes of Patented Chessmen. Scarce item. WITH: Set of 8 postcards of patented designs from 1849 to 1974. £25.00

3332. PERIODICAL: American Chess Journal. Number 2.

Sept.1993. (Only 3 issues published.) p/b. VG. 123pp, illus. Includes articles on leading Russian trainer Dvoretsky, chess studies in the computer age, Wolff on winning the US Championship, Hochberg on chess literature anthologies, Edward Winter reviews 6 books on the Fischer-Spassky 1992 match, Brady reviews the film "Searching for Bobby Fischer. (A.) £15.00

3333. PERIODICAL: American Chess Journal. Number 3.

Dec.1995. (Only 3 issues published.) p/b, VG. 125pp, illus. Includes articles on "The Immortal Game" Anderssen-Kieseritzky 1851 by Hubner, Dvoretsky analyses a Capablanca-Alekhine endgame, chess fiction and problems of Nabokov, a detailed review of rating systems by Mark Glickman, book reviews. (A.) £15.00

2555. PERIODICAL: American Chess Journal. Premiere Issue.

Dec.1992. (Only 3 issues published.) p/b, VG. 127pp, illus. Includes large section "Observations and Reflections" by T.Hanke on the 1992 Fischer-Spassky match, also Anand-Ivanchuk match, new documents on the 1927 New York tournament, new analysis of Fischer-Keres, Bled 1961 game. (A.) £15.00

3924. PERIODICAL: Chessworld. Editor & Publisher: Frank Brady.

Vol.1 No.3. May-June 1964. Large format p/b. G. Well illustrated. Includes "Natural Inferiority of Women Chessplayers" by Norman Reider (psychiatrist), Olga Capablanca on The Young Capablanca with many good pictures, "My conservation with Steinitz" by Harold M.Phillips, chess in prison, a history of radio chess matches, Samuel Loyd, Ian Fleming presents a colourful portrait of Colonel Kronsteen ("From Russia, with Love.") A lavish and ambitious publication which only ran to three numbers and is quite scarce. £20.00

3508. PERIODICAL: The "British Chess Magazine" Chess Annual 1916. Ed: I.M.Brown.

BCM Leeds / ACB NY (1917). Sm8vo, original red cloth. VG. viii,222pp. A record of chess events in 1916 both home and abroad, including many games with notes. Includes records of some chess clubs and counties, match results, article on Early Oxford & Cambridge Chess, problems etc. The second of three such Annuals. £35.00

4289. PHILIDOR. S.Boffa: Francois Andre Danican Philidor. La Culture Echiqueenne en France et en Angleterre au XVIIIe Siecle.

Moravian Chess (2010). New h/b, pictorial green glazed boards. 260pp. Includes 90 games with brief notes, bibliography, over 150 pages of text on Philidor's life. (A.) £28.00

3971. PHILIDOR: Allen (George): The Life of Philidor. Musician and Chess-Player. With a Supplementary Essay on Philidor as Chess-Author and Chess-Player by Tassilo von Heydebrand und der Lasa.

NY & Philadelphia, Frederick Leypoldt 1865. (Facsimile reprint by Moravian Chess, Czech Rep.2001) New hardback. pp xii, 156. (No games.) £20.00

3141. Phillips Auctioneers: Antique and Later Chess Sets and Related Items.

16 May 1994. Sale catalogue. VG. 33pp., illustrations, 123 lots with estimates. £12.00

3005. Phillips Auctioneers: Chess Sets and Related Items.

13 May 1996. Sale catalogue, VG. 49pp., illustrations, 186 lots with estimates, including 23 book lots. £10.00

3006. Phillips Auctioneers: Chess Sets and Related Items.

12 May 1997. Sale catalogue, VG. 39pp., illustrations, 115 lots with estimates. £12.00

3140. Phillips Auctioneers: Chess Sets and Related Items.

15 May 1995. Sale catalogue. VG. 33pp., illustrations, 89 lots with estimates and price list. £12.00

2989. Phillips Auctioneers: Chess Sets and Related Items.

27 Nov.1995. Sale catalogue, VG. 39pp., illustrations, 117 lots with estimates. £12.00

4204. Phillips Auctioneers: Chess.

9 Nov 1999. Sale catalogue. G. 40pp., illustrations, 156 lots with price estimates, of chess sets, a few books, pictures and ephemera. £12.00

726. PHOTOS: Le Monde des Echecs. Serie 1 (No more published.)

L'Echiquier, Bruxelles, Fevrier 1933. Original card folder (250 x 160mm) containing 16 fine héliogravure portraits of leading chess personalities including Alekhine, Bogoljuboff, Colle, Euwe, Menchik, Tartakower, Spielmann, and one of M.Duchamp and V.Halberstadt together by Man Ray. Very good condition with contents list. LN 2999. £100.00

299. Quaritch (Bernard, Ltd., Bookseller): A Catalogue of Rare and Valuable Works Relating to the History and Theory of the Game of Chess, being the Greater Portion of the Famous Library Formed by J.W.Rimington-Wilson, and Maintained and Added to by his son R.H.Rimington-Wilson.

Bernard Quaritch, Cat.No.428. 1929. (Facsimile reprint.) 4to, spiral bound with plain card covers, VG. 96 pages printed single-sided, listing 1657 lots, with notes and prices. The original catalogue is very scarce and expensive. The notes are often useful and the prices give an interesting idea of relative value and scarcity. £50.00

3711. Ree (H.): The Human Comedy of Chess. A Grandmaster's Chronicles.

Russell Ent., US 1999. 1st English Edn. p/b. F. 333pp. "A collection of Ree's longer articles...an excellent overview of the diverse events of the last decade" (Timman). Sections on Karpov v Kasparov, politics, history, matches & tournaments, miscellaneous, memories of Donner, Reshevsky, Tal and others. A few games. (A.) £14.00

24. Reinfeld (F.): The Treasury of Chess Lore.

Arco,1955. 1st Edn. VG,d/w. 306pp., plates. A huge collection of anecdotes, memoirs, history etc. (not games). £14.00

1487. Rogers (D.J.): British Correspondence Chess Association 1906-1981. The Official History of the First 75 Years.

BCCA 1982. p/b. G. 98pp. Includes 15 annotated games. £8.00

988. Saariluoma (P.): Chess Players' Thinking. A Cognitive Psychological Approach.

Routledge 1995. 1st. F. 201pp. Sections include conceptual analysis, selective thinking and the models of chess mind, memory capacity etc. The author is based in the department of psychology at Helsinki University. Scarce book. £40.00

1746. Sanvito (A.): Bibliografia Italiana degli Scacchi. Dalle Origini al 1999.

Milan, 1999. (New Revised Edn.) VG, d/w (faded on spine). 229pp., illustrations of title-pages from old works. A bibliography of chess books in Italian, or published in Italy, up to 1999, with 1420 items, with collations and notes. Arranged by subjects, with author index. £30.00

756. Schenk (G.): The Passionate Game. Lessons in Chess and Love.

Routledge, 1937. 1st English Edn. G, with a torn and repaired jacket. 8 coloured plates, 99pp. "A novel and interesting method of imparting the first principles of chess...draws parallels between the problems of life and those of chess." A scarce work. £18.00

5054. Schmid (Anton): Tschaturangavidja. Literatur des Schachspiels. Gesammelt, Geordnet und mit Anmerkungen.

Wien 1847. Facsimile reprint Leipzig 1975. Hardback, grey cloth, slight yellowing of pages, very slight corner crease o/w VG. 402pp. A bibliography of chess books, including comments. This 1975 reprint is scarce. £40.00

4232. Schultz (Don): Chessdon. Forty Years of my Most Interesting Chess Experiences.

Chessdon, Florida 1999. 1st Edn. p/b, VG. 356pp., photos, some in colour, 28 games. A past President of the USCF and Florida chess journalist, he recounts his experiences in the chess world, and particularly American chess. £18.00

635. Schumer (Dr.J.): Chesslets. Being a Miscellaneous Collection of Contributions to Chess and Chess Literature extending over many Years.

Printing Craft 1928. 1st Edn. Maroon cloth, lettering faded, good. Edge tear on one page, a section cut from front endpaper. 56pp., including games annotated with quotations from literature, stalemate in master-play, problems, many by the author, 4 plates. A scarce title. £28.00

192. Schuyer (E.H.): Het Schaakspel in de Kunst en Cultuurhistorie.

Bussum,Netherlands,1968. 1st Edn. Pictorial card covers, paper a little yellowed o/w G. 88pp., many plates of chessmen, paintings and prints not seen in other works. £12.00

4121. Schuyer (E.H.) & E.J.Dijkstra: The Art of Chess. 15 Centuries Inspired by the Game of Chess.

11-17 June 1988 Galerie Verenigde Spaarbank, Amsterdam. Stichting Max Euwe-Centrum, 1988. Square p/b. VG. 60pp. 24 exhibits of modern art pictures and chess pieces, with description of each, and introductory essay by Schuyer. Text in Dutch. £14.00

1953. Selenus (G.): Das Hochberuhmte und Sinnreiche. Stein oder Schach Spiel mit sonderlichen Anmerkungen.

Kunstberg (c.1690.) Leipzig 1979. Facsimile reprint. Small hardback, slight mark on covers o/w VG. 83pp. Frontispiece, folding plate. I cannot locate the original work in LN or Van der Linde. £12.00

3722. Shenk (D.): The Immortal Game. A History of Chess, or How 32 Carved Pieces on a Board Illuminated our Understanding of War, Art, Science and the Human Brain.

Doubleday, NY 2006. 1st Edn. VG,d/w. 327pp. Includes 6 famous games. The influence of chess through history. £12.00

3263. Soltis (A.): Chess Lists.

McFarland, US 2002. 2nd Edn (enlarged & updated since 1984 edn.) Large p/b. Fine. 248pp. Sections include: Remarkable Games, Best (and Worse) Lists, Masters at Play, Fakes & Myths, Openings & Endings, Problems, Best Books & Novels, Movies. (A.) £24.00

4064. Soltis (A.): Karl Marx Plays Chess and Other Reports on the World's Oldest Game.

McKay, US 1991. 1st Edn. p/b, G. 305pp. Drawn from his column in "Chess Life", a large anthology of miscellaneous articles and trivia, including many miniature games, lots on Fischer etc. (A.) £10.00

5772. Soltis (A.) & G.H.McCormick: The United States Chess Championship, 1845-1985.

McFarland, US 1986. 1st Edn. Hardback, VG. 296pp., photos, includes many annotated games, crosstables and summaries for most tournaments. (A.) With a bookplate of the ECF collection. £24.00

510. Soltis (A.) & G.H.McCormick: The United States Chess Championship, 1845-1996.

McFarland, US 2006. 2nd Edn. Hardback (18 x 26cm), VG. 233pp., photos, includes many annotated games, crosstables. (A.) £40.00

2451. Standage (T.): The Mechanical Turk. The True Story of the Chess-Playing Machine that Fooled the World.

Allen Lane/Penguin Press 2002. 1st UK Edn. VG, d/w (price label on back). 274pp., illus. The story of Wolfgang von Kempelen's automaton, known as The Turk. £12.00

28. Steiner (George): The Sporting Scene. White Knights of Reykjavik.

Faber, 1973. 1st book Edn. VG, d/w. 67pp. Steiner's memoir of the Fischer-Spassky match, seeking to "grasp the poetry, the monomania and the psychological enigmas of the chess mind" and the links with mathematics and music. (No games.) £12.00

4844. Steinitz (W.): The Modern Chess Instructor. Part 1+ Part 2 Section 1.(All published.)

1889. Edition Olms, Zurich 1984. Facsimile reprint. pp xli, 193, viii,64. Steinitz explains some of his famous chess theories, analyses many openings, and INCLUDES THE GAMES FROM HIS MATCH WITH TSCHIGORIN, with his annotations, revised and amended from the International Chess Magazine. There was no separate publication on this match. Part 2 of this work was a small and very rare pamphlet published in 1895. This reprint is also scarce. £50.00

736. Sunnucks (Anne.): The Encyclopaedia of Chess.

Robert Hale 1970. 1st Edition. VG,d/w. 587pp., photos. Contributors include Euwe, Penrose, Roycroft, Barnes, Hooper. The first encyclopaedia of chess in English. Includes results of major tournaments from 1950-68. £18.00

290. Tiller (T.) Ed.: Chess Treasury of the Air.

Penguin 1966. Only Edn. p/b, paper slightly yellowed o/w G. 288pp. A miscellaneous collection of games and essays by Alexander, Golombek, Barden and others, compiled from the BBC radio Third Network programme. £7.00

4718. Tischbierek (R.) Ed: Schauspiel des Geistes. Marc Langs unglaublicher Rekord im Blindsimultanschach.

Exzelsior verlag, Berlin 2012. New p/b. 200pp., illus., 63 games, large section on Marc Lang who broke the blindfold simulateneous record with 46 games which are also included here, large section by Michael Negele on the history of blindfold chess including much additional material to the Hearst & Knott work. £24.00

4036. Utterberg (C.): The Dynamics of Chess Psychology.

Chess Digest 1994. 1st Edn. p/b. VG. 219pp. Chapters include: philosophical foundations, importance of aesthetics, The Italian School, Philidor, the Romantics (1821-59), the Classical Era (1859-1927), the Modern Game (1927-57), Contemporary Chess and the individual in struggle, 24 leading players and their psychological characteristics, and one or two annotated games of each. (A.) £14.00

427. Vida (Mark Jerome.): The Game of Chess. Done into English from the Latin of M.Vida & Printed by Richard Stanton Lambert...& Decorated with Woodcuts by Nell Lambert.

The Stanton Press, 1921. 4to (215 x 270mm) original cloth-backed boards, paper label on spine, slight foxing to boards o/w G. Elaborate wood-cut title-page and 6 plates, pp 61, finely printed with wide margins. EDITION LIMITED TO 250 COPIES, NUMBERED AND SIGNED BY RICHARD STANTON LAMBERT. LN 4605. £130.00

266. Wade (R.G.): Soviet Chess.

Neville Spearman, 1968. 1st Edn. VG, d/w (slight edge wear). 288pp. A good reference work including over 120 games, biographical material, tournament tables, modern study composers, problems etc. £18.00

2983. Wade, Whiteley & Keene: The World Chess Championship Botvinnik to Kasparov.

Batsford, 1986. Revised Edn. p/b. G. 298pp. Introductions and all games from 1948 to 1985, some annotated. (A.) £10.00

5056. Wahl (S.F.Gunther): Der Geist und die Geschichte des Schachspiels bei Indern, Persern, Arabern ...Deutschen und andern Europaern.

Halle 1798. Facsimile reprint, Leipzig 1981. Small hardback, VG. 419pp, folding plate. £20.00

439. Waitzkin (F.): Searching for Bobby Fischer. The Adventures of a Father and his Brilliantly Gifted Son in the Obsessional World of International Chess.

Bodley Head, 1989. 1st UK Edn. VG, d/w. 226pp. (No games.) £9.00

5971. Welsh (David E.): Computer Chess,

Wm C. Brown, Iowa 1984. 1st Edn. p/b, VG. 309pp. Many games, some annotated, including all those from the American Computer Chess Championships 1970-1982. Includes a brief history of computer chess, the various programs, how computers play chess, their style of play. (A.) £14.00

3163. Whyld (K.): Chess Christmas.

Moravian Chess, 2006. New hardback. 475pp. The book contains 17 articles by the late Ken Whyld, produced between 1985 and 2002 and sent by Ken to his friends as Christmas cards. The articles range from 7 to 60 pages long and are devoted to various themes from chess history. They include: The Story of Chess; Biobibliography List; Blackburnes Matches 1887, Letters on the History and Literature of Chess; Development of the Chess Problem; The Beginning of Modern Chess; The Chess Board; Cafe de la Regence; The Worst Chess Book in the World; A la recherche du temps perdu; Lasker the Composer; According to Hoyle; Cordingleys Cuts; Chess Texts in the English Language before 1850; Address to the Automaton Chess Player; The Meeting of the B.C.A. at Cambridge 1860; Chess in Literature. £32.00

2199. Whyld (K.): Chess Columns. A List.

Moravian Chess, Czech Rep.2002. Thick hardback, black cloth. F. 587pp. Comprises alphabetical list of worldwide serial publications that contain chess columns, with details of town, country, dates, editors, notes, sources, indexes of editors and towns. An amazing and indispensable work for historians and researchers. £35.00

30. Whyld (K.): Chess. The Records.

Guinness, 1986. 1st Edn. Large p/b. VG. 176pp., many illustrations, some coloured. Gives records of world championship events, olympiads, major international tournaments, national and city championships, players, other records. £9.00

2164. Whyld (K.) & C.Ravilious: Chess Texts in the English Language, Printed before 1850. An Annotated Bibliography.

Moravian, Czech Rep. (2003). Black cloth, gilt lettered. 189pp. Introduction, chronological listing with collation and notes, listing of newspapers and journals, index. £32.00

5102. Whyld (Ken): Fake Automata in Chess.

Caistor, Lincoln 1994. Large format p/b, slide binder with plastic and card cover, G. 80pp., 767 entries including publication details, pagination and some notes. Starts with items concerning Kempelen's Turk in 1770, up to 1993. Edition limited to 105 numbered copies. £20.00

3010. Whyld (Ken) Editor: Chess Reader. Volume I - VI. (1955-1966)

Ken Whyld Association / Moravian Chess, 2004. Hardback. F. This reprint of Vols.1-6 (in 1 volume) contains more than 500 book reviews by Ken Whyld and others. Also included are an appreciation of Ken Whyld by Tony Gillam, articles on William Winter, A.C.White "Xmas Books" & Overbrook Press series, and tournament books 1939-1956. £32.00

25. Wichmann (H.& S.): The Story of Chesspieces from Antiquity to Modern Times.

Hamlyn, 1964. 1st English Edn. Large 4to, black cloth, G, d/w (jacket frayed at edges.) 328pp., including 196 plates, some coloured. Text pages slightly yellowed as usual. A large and finely illustrated work, one of the best on chessmen. £30.00

2082. Williams (G.): Master Pieces. The Story of Chess: the Pieces, Players and Passion of 1000 Years.

Apple Press, 2000. 1st Edn. VG, d/w. 160pp., numerous illustrations, mainly coloured, of chess pieces & art works. A very nice work. £15.00

2000. Wilson (F.): A Picture History of Chess.

Dover, NY 1981. 1st Edn. Large p/b, small cover creases o/w G. 182pp. 295 illustrations with captions, from the earliest works on chess up to Fischer and Karpov, including many fine photographs. Scarce outside of the USA. £20.00

5014. Winsen (Joost van): Mackenzie, Mason &Co. Chess in New York between 1866 and 1880. Part 3: 1869.

Chess Player 2014. New p/b. 181pp., a few illustrations, 161 annotated games with sources given, comprehensive indices. Limited to 100 numbered copies. £20.00

5385. Winsen (Joost van): Mackenzie, Mason &Co. Chess in New York between 1866 and 1880. Part 5: 1871-72.

Chess Player 2018. New p/b. 143pp., illustrations, over 110 annotated games with sources given, comprehensive indices. Limited to 100 numbered copies. £20.00

5696. Winsen (Joost van): Mackenzie, Mason &Co. Chess in New York between 1866 and 1880. Part 6: 1873.

Chess Player 2019. New p/b. 136pp., illustrations, many annotated games with sources given, notes, comprehensive indices. Detailed coverage of New York chess in 1873. Limited to 100 numbered copies. £20.00

1062. Winter (E.): Chess Explorations. A Pot-Pourri from the Journal Chess Notes.

Cadogan, 1998. Repr. Large p/b. VG. 343pp., photos, some games, numerous anecdotes, quotes, miscellanea, various indexes. (A.) £18.00

3277. Winter (E.): Chess Facts and Fables.

McFarland, US 2006. Large p/b. Fine. 385pp., illus, games & positions, biographies, mysteries, quotes, comprehensive indexes, hundreds of entries selected from the chess historian's renowned "Chess Notes" series. (A.) £30.00

3281. Winter (E.): Kings, Commoners and Knaves. Further Chess Explorations.

Russell Ent, US 1999. p/b. VG. 452pp., photos, games & positions, biographies, mysteries, reviews, quotations, comprehensive indexes, hundreds of entries selected from the chess historian's renowned "Chess Notes" series. (A.) £16.00

6088. Winter (E.G) Editor: Chess Notes. Volume 7.

Geneva, 1988. Large format, ring-bound, VG. 154 pages. Includes some games, numerous anecdotes, quotes, miscellanea, index. (A.) Chess Notes resumed in 1993 as a syndicated column, then in New In Chess, and then online. These volumes are quite scarce. £25.00

6089. Winter (E.G) Editor: Chess Notes. Volume 8.

Geneva, 1989. Large format, ring-bound, crease to final page corners o/w VG. 138 pages. Includes numerous anecdotes, quotes, miscellanea, index. (A.) Chess Notes resumed in 1993 as a syndicated column, then in New In Chess, and then online. These volumes are quite scarce. £25.00

1321. Zweig (S.): The Royal Game and other Stories. With an Introduction by John Fowles. Translated from the German by Jill Sutcliffe.

J.Cape, 1981. 1st UK Edn thus. VG, d/w. 250pp. Paper slightly yellowed. The famous chess novel (49 pages) plus four other stories. £15.00